Chapter 17

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Hi my lovelies, I hope your ready for this chapter... and I hope you enjoy it. So I am in love with the song attached.... I used this song and the lyrics as inspiration for the chapter.

Louis can feel his stomach drop as he stares at his phone. He can feel his heart break as the pain and hurt courses through his body. He stares unable to move or do anything else. He can't even form a single thought as he reads it over and over again. Maybe he's lost his ability to read... maybe the reporter got it wrong... maybe his heart isn't truly breaking.

But deep down he knows what he's reading word for word. He knows the reporter is correct as he looks at the images attached. He knows his heart is broken. It's almost as if he can feel it's chipping and breaking. He knew from that feeling of discomfort, from the feeling of dizziness, feeling of nausea and feeling of pain throughout the night that something had happened. Tears fall from his eyes but he doesn't care, let them flood he thinks let him see how he's hurt me

He hears the door opening and for the first time in an hour he moves, lifting his head to the sound and taking in the scent of the alpha. He takes a deep breath and stands, his wolf whimpering in pain and heartache.

It's okay Leo... I'll be strong for us now

He only receives a broken whimper in reply but it's more than he expected.

He moves towards the living room where he finds the alpha stood red eyed and stinking of confusion. Louis cocks his head at that


"No... you don't get to call me that right now"  Louis voice cracks and he stops to take another breath as he watches Harry's face crumble

"So.. would you like to explain because honestly my heart is breaking and I'm exhausted."

"I want to explain... but I Erm I don't know" Harry stutters before he looks down to the floor

"You know Harry, It's going on 12 months now And it's fucked up because I've fallen. I feel it every day.
I'm here to listen, I'm here asking you to explain while I'm in pieces and don't know how to fix this. So you either explain why it is everywhere that you've slept with someone else or please just leave" Louis tries to keep his voice even but it's almost impossible.

"Lou, baby. I'm completely in love with you... I don't know what happened, I can't explain... I don't know why I'm tongue tied and I know it's the wrong time because I need this, I need to have you understand -"
His voice sounds defeated as his shoulders slump

"Understand what Harry? That I'm just somebody that you're gonna leave, that you actually don't feel something when you look at me. I've given you my heart and if you're going to break it and not explain than your just a habit I need to break and I can do that, I can move on and re build just please let me down slowly" Louis is openly crying and Harry continues to let silent tears slip down his face

"Look I was at the event.. I had a few drinks. I remember talking to some people and then saying I wanted to leave to come home. I didn't feel great... Ehno was telling me that something was wrong, that I needed to get home to you. The next thing I remember is getting up and turning the lights on,it was four o'clock in the morning. I was confused because I couldn't sleep... I can always sleep beside you. The room was empty and I was fully dressed. I assumed I had booked a hotel room due to feeling unwell... until I saw the media reports." His voice is full of confusion and desperation

Louis stands confused for some moments, quiet and collecting his thoughts until his phone ringing interrupts, he grabs it quickly keeping his eyes on Harry.

"Hello" he greets

"Louis... please don't hang up" the voice replies

Louis stands shocked for a moment before looking up to Harry, his eyes wide and his broken heart pounding

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