Chapter 4

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Hi lovelies... I hope you enjoy this chapter... I love the vibe of this little mix song and this is what helped me write the chapter.... enjoy. X

Louis is still chuckling to himself as they drive over to his and Niall's flat. He can only imagine how embarrassed he will feel when he realises that he actually fangirled so hard he passed out.

Louis can feel the alpha look at him every time he chuckles which then makes a small blush appear upon his cheeks.

Once they pull up to the flat, Louis can see Harry's eye widen in surprise. It was a known fact that majority of omegas lived in bad neighbourhoods as they very rarely earn good money. However, Niall and Louis had a nice flat, in a very nice area. He was proud of what him and his friend had gotten and not simply because of being given it.

"We were given some money and did some research before we invested. It worked out and we earned some money so we helped a few omegas to begin business' from a small cafe, to a florist to a very successful law practice. We are silent partners at 50% in each and every business. We only ever get involved if the business is struggling." Louis quickly explains with a slight blush. He has never liked to admit just how wealthy he is. He and Niall brought a nice flat and that is about as far as 'showing off' as it got.

"Wow... that's erm very impressive. What law practice? And how many business do you have partnerships in?" His voice is full of shock and admiration

"Erm roughly 15 business' between both Niall and I. Then we have roughly 2 each independently. Niall has a keen interest in music and architecture.. so he invested in two small business'. Where as I have an interest in a small locally run drama club and a profit free charity, although I have been looking into another business and I know Niall has as well. The law practice is called G's Law."

Harry barks out a loud laugh "that's my sisters practice. She's Gemma. She told me she got investors but never gave me any details."

"Wow. Now you say it I can see the resemblance."

They both share a small smile before they exit the car and make their way into the building. They reach the top floor and is opening the door where they find Niall slowly sitting up in the open planned living room.

Louis rushes over with Harry quickly following. "Are you okay Ni?"

"Jesus I had a dream that you FaceTimed me and... Mr Styles." His voice goes from confused to shocked as he finally notices the alpha.

"Hey, your Louis' best friend and a fan I see." Harry speaks with amused tone.

The morning goes by quickly with Harry and Niall quietly talking while Louis sits and enjoys the view. He's been checking out the alpha and he's sure he's made it obvious. It's just no one has caught his attention since.. Louis shakes his head quickly to rid himself of those memories.

"Well if your that into architecture you should meet my friend. Zayn Malik."

Louis chuckles as he watches Niall scream with excitement "yes please.. god I have so many questions. Like that structure the Payne building used for art and photography exhibitions... it is insane..." Niall continues on his rambles as Harry looks over to Louis with a bright smile.

"Hey, why don't we go to a club tonight and you can invite your friends. We could all get to know each other." Niall's smile is big and bright

"Ni, no that's not a good idea" they share a brief look as Niall shakes his head

"I want to Lou, come on it will be fun." Louis is hesitant and his look displays a look that this discussion isn't over.

"Sounds good, I'll invite Zayn and his mate Liam. I have a few important projects over the next couple of days so I can not commit to tonight. Shall we meet at Buddha at 10pm in a weeks time?"

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