Chapter 18

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Hi lovelies, okay so this chapter is massive.... WARNING- there is violence

Things have been tense. They were on edge. Since the phone call Louis has felt like he's being watched everywhere he goes, he feels terrified knowing something is going to happen. Even if he is never alone. He can tell his alpha is tense and more protective than ever before. It didn't help that there was a massive fuck up and he had to go away for meeting. Louis doesn't think it is a coincidence.

He fiddled with his fingers as he makes his way out after his performance. The production manager had wanted to speak with him about an upcoming show and Louis is very excited to tell Harry he's got the lead role.

As he exits the theatre he realises how long he had been in that meeting for. It's gone past 11, the street lamps are on but the streets are silent. He squints his eyes trying to see through the darkness, Zayn is meant to be picking him up. He should have told him he'd be later than usual.

Louis sighs missing his alpha as he waits a few moments thinking what he should do. Harry being in Croatia for his meetings has meant Zayn has had to watch him, Harry has only been gone for three days but with another 5 to go, Louis is desperate to see his alpha again. He doesn't feel safe without him.

Sighing again Louis grabs his phone and pulls up his contacts to call Zayn. He pauses as he hears movement behind him.

"Hello? Zayn?" He's met with silence. Maybe it's just his imagination

There's someone here... I can sense it


Louis begins a fast pace towards the main road, he wanted to stay looking natural but at the same time he's terrified. Looking behind as he hears heavy footsteps his heart begins to pound. Fiddling with his phone he tries to ring Zayn but his clumsiness mixed with panic causes him to drop the phone.

Deciding to leave it behind he begins to jog, he could see the main road. He's not far... if he can just make it. He'll be fine. The footsteps speed up behind him causing him to begin running.

We need to get away... I don't feel safe

What do you think I'm running for?!

Well we need to go faster

Louis chooses to simply ignore that last statement instead trying to focus on not turning around to look at who is creating those pounding steps but rather focus on the main road which is drawing nearer

His breathing is erratic as he runs faster, pushing his body to its absolute limit. He can feel the person gaining on him and he fights to not shut down.

Just as a hand wraps around Louis' arm car headlights flash in his direction. The car coming to a slamming halt and the alpha he can recognise as Zayn running towards him. Louis tugs his arm free with strength he didn't know he had and runs straight into zayn's arms.

Zayn wraps his arms around the scared omega, feeling his heart pound through his chest. That was way too fucking close.

Louis shudders into Zayn his face pressed to his chest so he doesn't see if the man is still behind him.

"He's gone Lou. Fuck I'm so sorry. When you didn't come out at your normal time I panicked. I waited and waited and then I decided to drive around in case you came out a different exit or something happened. I'm so sorry." Zayn's voice is full of remorse and guilt as he holds Louis so close to his body.

"It's okay Z, I should have told you I had a meeting... can we please just go hone?"

"Of course, come on"

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