Chapter Twenty

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Sage fluttered her eyes open and her sight adjusted to the darkness that surrounded her.

The side she laid on ached as she peeled herself off of the mat she was on. She sat with her legs outstretched before her whilst rotating her head clockwise then anti.

Images of what had occurred flashed through her mind then panic struck her.

As fast as she could, she stood up but gravity pulled her back down. With a groan she got on all fours then looked around the room.

It was empty except for the mat she had slept on. The only window was small and high and the door seemed to be at the top of the staircase she spotted.

She slowly stood up and her body screamed of aches, she couldn't point out where exactly.

A door rattled before being pushed opened and Sage snapped her head towards the stairs.

An orange light illuminated the room before it was shut out and darkness consumed her once again.

She heard light footsteps as her heart beat abnormally. Many scenarios played through her head as the stranger got nearer.

After what felt like a long time to Sage, Ashley came into view.

"Oh my God!" Sage gasped and tears of relief stained her face.

Ashley approached her and the two girls embraced.

"Oh my God!" Sage cried, wetting Ashley's shoulder.

Ashley rubbed Sage's back, "How are you holding up?"

They let go of each other and Sage sat down, "Why is this happening? What do they want from us? Oh my word, what if we'll we be sold off? Or worse, murdered?" She rambled as her shaking hands covered her mouth.

Ashley looked down at Sage and crossed her arms over her chest.

"My children," Sage cradled her stomach, "My family, Junior."

Sage sobbed as her friend watched with amusement.

As Sage went through her thoughts, she stopped sobbing after catching sight of Ashley's feet that were covered in sandals that looked clean or new.

Her eyes travelled up the light blue joggers then the white sweater before landing on Ashley's perfectly made up face with her maroon bobbed hair straight and flawless.

Sage looked down at her dirty pajamas then back at Ashley's appearance.

She sniffled, "Why are you clean?"

Ashley grinned, "We need to talk," she said before adding, "Friend."


Junior threw his phone to the passenger seat after leaving the third voicemail apologizing to his girl.

As he cruised down the street, he was invaded by guilt, for overreacting and pushing Sage away.

His phone rang and he quickly grabbed his phone but was soon disappointed with the name he read across the screen.

He ignored JP's call and turned into the parking lot of Nandos.

He found a spot and parked. He switched his engine off and took his phone to dial Sage's number again.

After listening to the voicemail, he canceled the call and got out of his car.

He strolled to the entrance when a familiar face approached him with a swing to its hips.

He smacked his lips and carried on his way.

"JR!" The tiny voice called out, "Dont ignore me."

Junior ignored the person and walked into Nandos to collect his order.

"Khalil wants to meet his daddy."


"I don't understand," Sage said through chattering teeth.

Ashley was seated on a chair in front of her friend with a slight smirk as Sage hugged herself on the mat.

She was feeling cold and in shock, her body couldn't sit still.

"I'm sure Junior," Ashley sang his name out, "Will explain better. I mean he is the reason you're here," she signaled around the room with her hands.

"So the girl's night in was a ploy?" Sage had no tears left but she was deeply hurt.

"I'm sorry," Ashley said sarcastically then pouted, "I'm sorry your perfect world came crashing down," she smiled, "Oh! And that your perfect Junior ain't that."

Sage's emotions shifted to anger at the mention of Junior's name, "What is that supposed to mean?"

Ashley stood up and laughed, "A few years back, I was in your situation", she stood behind the chair and stared down at Sage, "I was pregnant, with Junior's child."

Sage shook her head, "You're lying," she whispered.

"Oh but I'm not, he just didn't tell you. Men!" Ashley sighed and looked at her nails.

"Why are you doing this?" Sage asked and watched Ashley push the chair closer to her then sit down.

"Now that's a question I've been waiting for," Ashley said proudly.

She felt on top of the world, proud as she witnessed Sage at her lowest.

"I want you to taste suffering. I want you to live a day in my life. I have been beaten, hated, rejected by my own father and friends. Men use me, from my first love Junior to the man that gave me Aids."

"W-what?" Sage uttered.

"I killed him though, water under a bridge," Ashley said.

"You're going to kill me as well?" Sage panicked.

"No, that's for my uncle to decide, I've done my job and boy am I proud!" Ashley beamed, "If I could, I'd post this across all social platforms just for people to see that Sage is not always perfect," Ashley laughed, "I mean look at you," she pointed at Sage.

Sage looked down, "May I use the toilet," she asked lowly. She couldn't stand being around Ashley and she couldn't ignore her pressed bladder any longer.

"No," Ashley answered then stood up, "Whatever you need to do, do there," she said and walked towards the stairs.

"Ashley, please!" Sage screamed behind her friend who simply ignored the outcry and walked up the stairs.

Sage heard the door open then close and she stood up slowly to go to one corner. She squatted after removing her pajama pants and underwear to urinate.

When she finished, she walked at a tired pace to the mat and dressed up. She laid down on her side cradling her stomach.

The pains she had felt there were no longer present, instead it felt as though her heart was baring a sharp edged sword which tightened her chest.

She was warned against Ashley but didn't take heed because Sage saw good in her. Now she's paying for her naivety.

She thought of Junior, if he was worried or even knows. What about her sister, Chelsea and them? Her father? At the thought of Morris, she cried more.

It would kill him to lose a wife and daughter, Sage didn't want to put him through that.

The room grew colder and Sage shivered. She grabbed her gown she had used as a blanket and threw it over her body.

"Our Father," Sage started with a wet face and heavy eyes, "Who art in heaven," she hiccuped as her head pounded, "Hallowed be Thy name," she hugged herself.

"Thy kingdom come, Thy will be..." she slurred her words to a stop as her mind gave in to the exhaustion and overwhelm she felt.

Her breathing steadied as she drifted to another black hole, one in her head that had no end.

Her reality matched her state of mind.

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