Chapter Forty Two

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"Ey Ey Ey! Handle that carefully," Junior shouted at the men bringing in a huge mirror that was going to hang outside the bathrooms.

Him, Marcus and JP had been at the club all day, and Junior was hungry and tired.

He turned away from the men walking towards the bathrooms and looked at Marcus who was sitting on a couch by the door.

"JP still outside?" He asked him.

"Yeah, he's still busy with the signage," Marcus said from his cell phone.

"What are you doing?" He went closer to him.

"Practicing for when imma be chilling in my club nigga," Marcus looked towards Junior with a smirk.

Junior smacked his lips, "Lazy ass," he mumbled.

"Y'all got everything handled, I'm here for moral support," he argued.

"Go check if they putting the mirror right," Junior said.

Marcus stood up reluctantly, "You ain't my boss, but I can do that," he walked off, sliding his phone into his back pocket.

"And make sure it's straight," Junior shouted after him and received the middle finger in return.

Junior threw himself on the couch and laid his head back.

Just as he closed his eyes, his phone rang.

With a groan, he removed it from his front pocket and put it to his ear after sliding his thumb across the lower part of his screen.

"Babe, we're done, please pick us up," Sage said innocently over the phone.

"Aight, I'll be there in 20 minutes," he said putting his head back to close his eyes again.

After their good byes, Junior sat still for a moment, gathering strength to stand up.

"Yo!" JP slapped Junior's knee before sitting down beside him.

Junior raised his head and opened his eyes to see JP resting like him, "All set outside?"

"Yeah man, we're good," he seemed to resemble how Junior felt.

"Okay, I'm out," Junior stood up and stretched him arms above his head. He then returned his phone to his pocket and dapped JP.

"Where are you going?" JP asked whilst they fist bumped and shook hands like they always did.

"Sage is done with the Spa thing she was at," he said.

"Aight Aight, we'll be done soon as well then we're out," JP stood up.

Junior walked towards the open entrance, "Check on Marcus back there," he motioned to the direction Marcus was by.

"What's he doing?" JP looked towards there, trying to spot him.

"Putting up the mirror."

"That thing about to be skew as hell," JP complained then rushed to Marcus.

Junior laughed.

"Oh!" JP turned around to walk backwards, "Say hi to baby mama," he then turned back.

Junior shook his head as he exited the building.


"Love, slow down or else you'll choke," Aiden said whilst laughing at Trisha who was stuffing fork after fork of steak into her mouth.

Trisha chewed then covered her mouth with her hand, "I can't help it if the food is so good here," she said.

"I told you," Aiden said before taking a sip from his glass of rum and tonic.

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