Chapter Twenty Two

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"Did Mr Woods come in yesterday?" Samantha asked as she grabbed Nicole's medication at the pharmacy. The lady who worked the night shift was about to leave.

"No," the small lady answered.

Samantha gave a short hum as she jotted something on the paper clipped to a board, "Today is another day," she smiled, "See you later."

The lady nodded and watched her coworker walk off.

Samantha headed for Nicole's room, since she refused to sit with other patients.

Yesterday she had left Nicole in a state. She demanded to see her husband and Nicole gave him a call, hoping he would finally come to visit.

She failed to fathom how he hadn't come by once, knowing she went through an ordeal but Samantha learnt not to pry on the Woods family, especially after she had asked about Sage and received a harsh response.

She reached the door she frequented on a daily and tapped on it before pushing it open.

She saw the outline of Nicole's body under the covers and walked closer to the bed. Samantha placed the tray of medication and clipboard on the table near her and went to the side her patient was facing.

She noticed a piece of paper with a pen on the side table but focused on Nicole.

"Mrs Woods," Samantha called out softly.

She was met with silence. Samantha was well aware that Nicole hated to be woken up but she had to take her medication.

Samantha crouched down, "Mrs Woods," she repeated and pulled the covers slightly off her.

What she saw set her into panic mode. She stretched her hand out and grabbed the empty bottle of pills by the pillow. She studied it, as it wasn't issued by her.

Samantha then touched Nicole's shoulder and it was cold, "Mrs Woods!" She shouted and jerked her.

She placed two fingers on Nicole's throat and didn't feel the thumping she expected. She dropped the bottle and rushed out of the room.

Her heels clicked furiously on floor towards the nearest phone.

This was when she disliked her job, she felt she failed a patient and a family.

As she approached the front desk, she was met by Mr Woods.

"I'm here, what's the emergency?" He asked with an irritated tone.

Samantha asked for a moment, not wanting to alert him of what she discovered. She went to the back office.

Her heart was beating rapidly and her hand shaking as she dialed for the in house doctor.

She hoped it wasn't too late. She didn't want to deliver tragic news to the impatient man standing out there.


"They're not here," Letoya whispered to Trisha during the first period.

Trisha looked around, as if to make sure, "Running late, maybe?" She whispered back.

Letoya didn't respond but slid her phone out of her pocket. She sent a text to Sage, then waited to see three dots appear but that didn't happen.

Her leg started shaking as she looked towards the door.

"Don't worry, they'll show up," Trisha looked ar the worried expression on her friend's face.

Letoya hoped Trisha was right.


Brian was summoned by Sean to his home and he left the hospital in a hurry.

Nicole had overdosed on pain pills, again and was rushed to the nearest hospital. She survived but was in a coma.

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