Chapter Ten

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A/N: So this chapter features one of my supportive readers: _RamiJones_ because she asked in the previous chapter, at the right time as well. Enjoy!!!


"It was nice of Chelsea and them to come this side and help," Trisha commented before popping a Lay's chip into her mouth.

It was the first day of school after the tough weekend they went through and they were seated at their usual spot.

"Yeah, they are cool people," Letoya agreed without looking away from her phone.

Sage sipped from a bottle of orange juice and nodded her head, "We can video call them later on, to thank them. Again," she suggested.

Ashley sat still, listening to the talk about Sage's friends. She hated them but refrained from voicing that out.

"Wes is picking me up after school, so I can't," Letoya finally looked up.

"Tomorrow then, or whenever really," Sage said.

Her phone vibrated in the pocket of her red and white stripped shirt dress and she took it out. The corners of her mouth shot up when she read the text from Junior.

She missed him and seeing him at the funeral didn't count as being with him.

"Man, I can't wait til I smile like that cause of a text, I need a man," Trisha whined.

"Makes the two of us," Ashley agreed, masking the annoyance she felt.

"Trish, your man out there," Sage said, then pointed at Ashley, "Yours too."

Before Trisha could respond, Candice and Vanessa stood before the group with smug facial expressions.

"Jesus, what happened to you?" Trisha asked Vanessa who looked smaller than usual and worn out even though she tried to cover it with layers of make up.

Vanessa scoffed, "Diet," she eyed Ashley.

"What do y'all want?" Letoya asked.

"We just came to say hello to mommy dearest," Candice sneered, "Shouldn't you be home or something?"

Sage rolled her eyes, "Don't you guys have anywhere else to be?"

Vanessa shifted her weight to one foot and crossed her arms over her chest, preparing to respond but was beat to the chase.

"Like the doctor's," Ashley mumbled.

"Excuse me?" Vanessa snapped her head towards Ashley who was looking into her phone.

"Nothing," Ashley said.

"Naa, speak up, you seem to know something," Vanessa said loudly, attracting attention from students nearby.

"Here we go again," Letoya rolled her eyes and leaned back.

Ashley regretted saying something because she knew Vanessa had a reckless mouth, and if she was smart enough, she'd know that they both contracted HIV from André. She wasn't ready for the world to know.

"Nessa, let's go," Candice held her friend's arm.

"No, I want this bitch to admit she made me sick," she shouted. A circle of bodies grew around them.

"I ain't got time for your loose ass," Ashley said in anger then stood up and approached Vanessa, "And if I were you, I'd worry more about my health," she said pointing into Vanessa's face.

Ashley then stormed off with no care as to who she bumped into on the way, the crowd of people irked her anyway.

Vanessa shouted profanities behind her but Ashley marched on, getting as far away from the scene.

Sage stood up and followed her friend.

"Yeah, there go the pregnant bitch," Vanessa added.

"Ashley," Sage called out behind her.

Sage noticed a few phones held up, following her as she rushed towards Ashley.

Ashley roughly pushed in between two chubby girls that were walking towards the crowd and the girls faced each other with shock.

One wore spectacles over her small brown eyes with long black hair that brushed the top of her bum. She was known as Rami Jones, one of the most intelligent and quiet kids in school, earning her the 'nerd' title from fellow students.

Rami was a shade darker than her best friend, Chloe Pillay, who stood at the same height as Rami with short curly brown hair. She too, was a nerd.

"Excuse me," Rami said behind Ashley who then stopped in her tracks to look back at them.

People who had put their phones away quickly took them out, it was the first time they'd witnessed the 'nerd twins' react to being bullied, and they've been bullied for as long as they've attended that school.

Ashley laughed and neared Rami, "You're excused, bitch!"

As Ashley turned around, Rami grabbed the neckline of her black printed t-shirt, yanking her back.

The crowd went crazy with howls and cheers and Sage stood back, avoiding putting herself at risk.

Rami let Ashley go, who then turned around to glare at Rami, "The nerd grew a pair, bitch you better watch who you come for. I ain't the-"

Before she could complete her sentence, Rami slapped her with might causing Ashley to cower back.

Chloe's mouth hung open as she watched her friend proceed to punch Ashley in the face. The two have dreamed of standing up for themselves but fear crippled them when they were up against a large group.

They had even made a pact to atleast try before graduating at the end of they year, and there it was, happening before her eyes.

Ashley was now on the ground with her arms covering her face and Rami kicked her before stepping away, "What were you saying? Bitch!" She mimicked Ashley's voice.

She turned around with a big smile plastered on her face and grabbed Chloe to walk off. Cheers followed the pair that felt like new people, as though a weight had just been lifted off their shoulders.

Even Vanessa applauded the 'twin nerds' as they passed her and a laughing Candice.

Sage's eyes followed Chloe and Rami before she focused on Ashley, she then ran to her, "Oh my word! Ashley are you okay?"

Ashley was standing up and Sage tried to assist but her hand was pushed away, "Leave me the fuck alone," she spat holding one side of her face.

Her face had changed colour, resembling a dark red and swelling was bound to follow. She fixed her t-shirt then turned around to walk away.

"I'm just trying to help," Sage shouted.

Ashley faced her friend, and if looks could kill, Sage would've dropped dead, "Where was that energy when they were beating me up?"

Without waiting for a response, Ashley stormed off, leaving a confused Sage.

"Your friend ain't right," Trisha said near Sage, giving her a fright because she hadn't noticed her presence, "And I don't get why you're still friends."

"I can't turn my back on her, she's going through a lot," Sage argued.

"She is trouble, and if I were you, especially in your current state," Letoya pointed towards Sage's belly, "I'd stay away."

"Y'all just don't like her, and I don't get why," Sage became defensive.

"Sis, from the bottom of my heart," Trisha grabbed Sage's hand and stared into her eyes, "I ain't about to argue with you about Ashley. She ain't your friend, and I hope you don't get to find that out when it's too late."

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