Chapter Forty Eight

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"Why?" Was all May asked after a long moment of silence.

She was in a hospital bed with a bandage over her head and one arm. She had survived the bad accident that took nine lives.

Morris had been in her room, watching her with teary eyes. Regret filled him up as he thought of the treatment he gave his mother.

"What did we do," May paused, talking proved to be painful, "What did I do to have my son leave without an explanation?"

Morris looked down at his shoes, not knowing how to tell his mother that his then girlfriend had convinced him. Nicole painted out a dream when she asked that they move away together, before she dumped him.

"I was young," he looked up, "and stupid. Please forgive me," he said.

"You grew up, didn't you?" May asked.

"Yeah," Morris responded.

"Then why didn't you pick up the phone?"

Morris couldn't answer. She was right, he could've picked up the phone or even went home to check on his mother but his regret and stubbornness didn't allow him to.

He couldn't look May in the eyes, until now that he was forced to.

He missed out on a lot because he was hung up on the love of his life, anger had consumed him to a point where it resided within him but because life seemed to be moving on, he didn't see the need to face his problems.

"You know Morris, after your dad died and you left, I spent many nights praying for your return, praying for God to look over you and bring you home," she said lowly. Hurt was heavy in her voice, "I also wondered why you had just left, I questioned my parenting but your siblings would call me silly," she gave a small smile.

"I am happy I bumped into you, and through a kid I've loved her whole life, my grandchild," a tear rolled down her cheek.

"I'm sorry Ma," Morris sat up, getting closer to her bed, "I'm sorry," he strained.

"It's okay son, I'm just glad we met whilst I was still alive," she admitted which saddened Morris more.

He felt stupid and a failure for choosing love over family. He didn't deserve May's kindness, he wanted her to scream and shout, curse him out or even smack him but she seemed at peace almost joyful.

"Well," May disrupted his thoughts, "We have a lot of catching up to do and Sage? You need to tell me how on earth you got on with Nicole to a point where you had a child with her," she laughed.

Morris smiled but it didn't reach his eyes, he was still wallowing in his emotions. Her reaction confused him, it angered him the more.


"What are you doing?" Brandi croaked out, watching Ashley place the shovel down to dust her hands.

"You see my dear friend, I've been looking for a way to get to JP and the universe provided just that when I met you," Ashley beamed, fixing the black denim dungaree she wore on top of a black t-shirt. She had black sneakers and a cap to match on.

"What do you mean?" Brandi was still on the floor with an unconscious JP, the most she was able to do was hold him as she feared for her life.

"It's a long story," Ashley waved her hand in the air, "But thank you," she bent over to be in level with Brandi, "For bringing him to me," she stood up straight and paced before her, "I didn't think this would work hey, I'm brilliant," she smiled.

Music was booming from within the house, with loud chatter accompanying it. Brandi thought of screaming for help but doubted she'd be heard.

Tears streamed down her face as she watched her boyfriend.

"My list is narrowing down, soon I'll get to JR and Sage," Ashley spoke to herself but Brandi heard her and was shocked. She wondered what Sage had to do with this, what her boyfriend had to do with this as well.

Ashley took hold of JP's ankles, "Would you give me a hand," she said peering at Brandi.

"W-where are you taking him?" she looked around.

There was a line of trees that seemed to go further into a dark forest. She couldn't see much and feared going anywhere. Dim lighting was provided by the bulb sitting at the top of the small gate they came through.

Ashley sighed and dropped JP's feet, "We're going fishing," she announced.

Brandi shook her head, "No, you're not taking him anywhere," she refused, holding onto her boyfriend tighter.

Ashley chuckled and neared Brandi whilst producing a pocket knife, she crouched behind her and held her head back to place the knife by her neck, "I don't think you want to get on my bad list, it'd be a shame cause I really like you," she whispered into her ear.

Brandi gulped, a shiver running down her spine.

Ashley moved away from her and put the knife away, "Great, now let's pull him towards the lake down there," she pointed into the darkness, "I could always get assistance from inside of you don't want to," she added, taking out a handgun to wave it in the air.

Brandi stood up slowly, her legs almost giving in. She felt numb, as though it were a nightmare, fighting was the last thing on her mind, "Do we have to drag him?" She croaked.

"I mean, if you want to carry your baby, be my guest," Ashley slid the gun into a pocket and crossed her arms over her chest.

Brandi looked down at JP then at Ashley, "Don't you have a wheelbarrow?"

"Bitch, you're wasting my time," Ashley snapped then stormed off.

Brandi dropped to her knees, the grass acting as a cushion, "JP," she called out shaking his shoulders before turning him over, "Wake up baby, please, wake up," she held his head and felt liquid.

She brought her hand up, close to her eyes and saw blood, "Oh my God!"

Her eyes frantically scanned her surroundings, looking for anything to use, not that a mere stick would shield her from a bullet.

She then remembered the gun JP had tucked behind his back. Her hands fumbled against his lower back beneath him until her fingers came in contact with metal.

She removed the hand piece and her arms felt the weight. She held it with shaking hands as she heard someone approach.

Brandi snapped her head towards the sound and saw Ashley pushing a wheelbarrow, "Put him in," she ordered after placing it near JP.

Brandi stood up slowly, with the gun behind her back, staring at Ashley.

"I said," Ashley removed her gun and pointed it at Brandi, "Put him in," she motioned to JP then the wheelbarrow with the weapon in her hand.

Brandi's chest heaved as she attempted to calculate her options. She'd never used a gun before and she was up against someone who knew how to handle it but she thought of her life and JP's.

There was a light groan as the two girls had a stare off, they both diverted their eyes to the waking JP on the ground. He seemed disoriented, as though he was still trying to figure out where the intense pain rooted from in him.

Ashley swerved her gun smoothly towards him with her finger laying on the trigger, "Stupid nigga ain't dead!"

A gunshot resounded, which stopped the scene momentarily. Then another before two more followed.

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