Chapter Nineteen

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Junior opened his eyes and was instantly invaded by pain in his head. His mouth was sandy and throat dry.

He stretched his arm out to his side table, reaching for his phone but his hand swung in the air.

He shot his head up and realised there was no table. Confused, he raised his body then turned over slowly. He looked around and everything was strange.

He wasn't in his room.

He tried to remember what happened the previous night, but his thoughts stopped after many shots taken at the club with his boys.

He threw the covers off him and was left with just his underwear. As he was about to swing his legs off the bed, the door to the bedroom swung open.

"Oh hey, you're up!" A feminine voice greeted.


"Why are you leaving me so early?" Trisha whined as her eyes followed Letoya around the room.

She was packing her belongings.

"Go see Aiden," Letoya said and zipped her overnight bag.

"We're not at that level yet, plus my head hurting," Trisha said as she untied the doek on her hair to let loose the braids. She was hit by relief.

"I can't help you then, I'm going to my man," Letoya boasted and Trisha rolled her eyes.

"What happened to us?" She imitated a sob.

Letoya laughed and sat down next to Trisha, "I know you're kidding and shit but call Aiden up, have a day out or something. No harm in that," she suggested.

"Fine!" Trisha threw her body on the bed, "Ow," she added, "Remind me to never ask you to do my hair again," she eyed Letoya.

"You say that everytime," she grabbed her bags and ringing phone, "Wes is outside," see you later."

Trisha raised her hand in response with her face buried into her pillow.


Sean walked into the dining room to find Ashley sitting by the counter, having brunch and occupied by her phone.

"Morning," he greeted and poured himself a cup of black coffee that was recently brewed by his staff. He sat at the head of it and a maid scurried in with a plate of food.

Ashley looked up from her cellphone, "Good morning," she put her phone down and picked up a knife to slice into the pork banger on her plate.

"Job well done," he stated and Ashley beamed from within even though the delivery wasn't as sentimental as she would've liked.

She had never been praised or made anyone proud and she was chuffed with herself.

"What will you do with her?" She asked, out of curiosity.

"That's for me to know, you've done half of your part, carry out the rest," Sean said before putting a piece of smoked salmon and egg salad on a toasted baguette in his mouth.

"What's the rest of my plan?" Ashley asked.

Sean put his utensils down and leaned back, "Stay here until she gets out," he said simply.

"I can do that," Ashley said.

Sean went back to eating.

"Can I go see her?" She asked carefully.

"Up to you," Sean said before taking a sip from his coffee whilst standing up, "As long as you don't cross me, that wouldn't be wise," he threatened and put the cup down before leaving.


"Why the fuck would you do that?" Junior asked with irritation over the laughing from JP, Marcus and the girl that woke him up named Elle.

They were seated around a counter in the kitchen to Marcus' house, eating chicken wings.

"Mane, you shoulda seen your face," JP laughed whilst watching a video taken earlier when Junior woke up.

"Whose house we at anyway?" Junior didn't take the prank well.

"Mine," the female spoke before walking towards the fridge. She was in high-waisted washed out jeans that sat perfectly on her curves with a white vest. Her hair was a pink weave that complimented her light skin.

Junior ate in silence whilst his friends watched the video over and over again.

"I might just show this to baby mama," JP said, coming down from his high.

"Yeah," Marcus agreed and bumped elbows with JP as he was holding a half eaten wing.

Junior smacked his lips and got off the high stool he occupied, "I must've been wasted last night," he mumbled.

"You drank as though you was drowning your sorrows," JP said, "What did you do nigga?" He eyed Junior.

"Nothing nigga! I'm out," Junior said and went towards the door.

"You car is at the club," Marcus said.

Junior groaned and turned back towards the counter, "Will one of you niggas take me to my car," he said loudly.

"Shit, I'm still chilling with bae," Marcus said and spanked Elle's bum. She gasped and bit her lip.

"I'm still chilling too, might as well ask Elle to invite a friend over," JP said and gulped down his Sprite.

Junior patted his pants and found his phone in the front pocket. He pulled it out for the first time that morning and realised it was off due to low battery.

He walked off to the lounge, in search of a charger. He was irritated and didn't fail to hide it. He knew it was a joke and he got over that but something else pressed on his emotions. He wasn't certain as to what.

"Here's an iPhone charger," Elle spoke soflty from the door.

Junior snapped his head from behind the television stand towards Elle who was leaned against the door frame. He walked to her and grabbed the charger.

"You're welcome," Elle said.

Junior smacked his lips, "Thanks," then he plugged the charger by the television stand.

"Do you need help?" Elle asked as she strolled towards Junior who was too focused on turning his phone on.

Elle sat next to Junior and placed a hand on his lap, he jerked away from her with a deadly look.

"Get the fuck off," Junior said calmy.

Elle rolled her eyes, "Don't play coy," she said and brushed her hands down his arm.

Junior stood up and walked off towards his boys who were still around the counter.

"You still here?" JP asked.

"No nigga," Junior responded and occupied a vacant seat.

He had to wait for his phone to charge so he could get an Uber to take him to his car. He also wanted to call his girl who he missed dearly.

As he sat there, mindlessly watching his friends talk and laugh, he regretted his reaction towards Sage, after what he did to her.

His shoulder jerked forward after Marcus pushed him. Junior looked at him then at JP who was carrying his ringing cell phone.

Junior swiped his thumb across the lower part of the screen and put it to his ear. Before he could greet, a voice breathed out.

"It's Sage."


A/N: This may seem rushed, apologies for that. Also I didn't read the chapter over so there'll be more mistakes than usual. Merry Christmas y'all! ᦔꪜ

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