Chapter Twenty Nine

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Nicole was woken up by the call of her name. After her bath the previous night, she went straight to sleep, with no care for what was happening a few doors down.

She lifted her head and saw Brian standing there with just a towel on, he seemed to have just gotten out of the shower.

Disgust filled her as she studied him.

"What time did you get here?" he asked, trying to hide his surprise, "Why didn't you contact me to collect you?"

Nicole sighed and sat up. She peered at the clock beside her bed and saw that it was past four in the morning.

"I arrived yesterday evening," she simply said, massaging the back of her neck.

"And you didn't search for me? I was in my office," he said.

"I didn't want to bother you."

Brian sat down on a sofa near the window by Nicole's side and and huffed, "You were in a coma, when did you-"

"If you had taken some time out of your busy schedule to check up on me, you'd know I woke up but that does not matter right now," she spoke calmly.

"Okay," Brian said, "It's good to see you."

"Really?" Nicole questioned with amusement, showing emotion for the first time during their conversation.

"Yes, how are you feeling?" He seemed concerned which baffled Nicole.

"I'm better than I've ever been in a long time," Nicole smiled, "Couldn't you ask this later today?"

Brian nodded, unable to read Nicole, "Yeah, you're right. Sorry for waking you up."

He stood up and walked towards their closet.

"You came to bed late today," Nicole commented.

Brian stopped in his tracks and faced his wife, "Had a lot of work to catch up on," he said.

"Okay," she said then laid down.

Brian walked off, thankful that she had not caught him having sex with Ashley because that would result in a dirty divorce. He didn't mind the divorce part, it was the infedility clause they had on their prenuptial agreement.

Relief washed over him as he changed into black silk pajama pants.

Nicole closed her eyes, thinking of how things seem to be working out for her.

She had suspected Brian of cheating on her previously but never had concrete evidence to show.

The previous night, when she caught him she thought on her feet and took pictures of what was happening.

The two were invested in what they were doing, they didn't take note of the company that invaded their moment.

She booked an appointment with their lawyer for later that day and she relished in the thought of bringing hell to Brian.


Sage nibbled on the sandwich Ashley had brought down to her for breakfast.

She had no appetite but she knew she had to eat for her babies.

"You know," Ashley spoke from the chair she sat on after taking a few sniffs from her tube, "You were my first true friend."

Sage looked at her plate, not in the mood for Ashley's company.

"Do you have to be here?" She whispered.

"You don't need company? I'd be going crazy sitting alone day in day out," Ashley said.

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