Chapter Twenty Four

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Nicole found herself in what seemed to be a beautiful garden, with distinct greenery and blush of colours from flowers.

Her legs were moving towards a direction unknown to her as her eyes marveled at the scenery.

There seemed to be no end or beginning, but immeasurable space with a sky that reflected the nature.


Nicole froze and looked around. She wasn't certain if she had heard her name being called out or not.

After a few seconds, she looked forward and saw a woman in a long white glowing gown approach her with elegance that Nicole has never witnessed on earth.

"Nicky!" The woman called out as her features became clearer.

Her thick dark brown hair flowed on either side of her face, with eyes that resembled Sage's, in shape and colour. Her skin looked smooth and her mouth sat perfectly plump above her oval chin.

"Mommy?" Nicole cried out almost like a baby then she wiped her eyes for clarity.

"Yes, my Nicky," Nicole's mom halted in front of her, "Oh, how I've missed you," the woman smiled.

"But you're dead. Where am I?" Nicole looked around then returned to the figure before her, "Am I dead?"

"No, it isn't your time yet," Nicole's mom spoke eloquently.

"What do you mean?"

"You still have a relationship to mend," the woman tilted her head to one side, studying her daughter, "What went wrong baby?"

Nicole was astounded that she almost missed the question, "You know what went wrong," her emotions shifted to an attitude.

"Nicky, forgive me for not being the mother you needed," her mother said softly, "I was naive and filled with hate for how you were conceived."

Nicole's throat tightened slightly, "That wasn't my fault! I wasn't the man that raped you yet you reminded me every day I spent with you that I wasn't worthy of love!" She said loudly.

"I know, I matured and learned from my mistakes. I healed even though the way I treated you was a regret I bore for the rest of my life," her mother admitted sincerely.

"Too late for that because I am broken," Nicole blinked away her tears, "I don't know how to love because I don't know what it looks like, even when I'm shown love!"

"Baby," her mother got closer to her and ran a hand softly over one cheek, "I know I failed you, as a mother but your daughter should not reap what she didn't sow. Forgive me, and yourself for waiting on me for so long then love that child, she needs you, more than you know."

Nicole leaned her face into her mother's palm, "I don't know how."

"You'll find your way," her mother said then removed her hand and moved back from Nicole, "Now, wake up and do what's right, for you and your daughter."

Nicole shook her head as she watched her mother slowly return to where she appeared from, "How?!"

"You'll find a way," she said distantly before disappearing into a cloud of mist.


"What do you mean she's been missing?!" Morris boomed through his lounge after Letoya informed him of Sage's whereabouts.

"She wasn't at Junior's all along as we thought, her phone is off and no one has seen her," Letoya said before looking down.

Morris looked at Junior who was standing by the doorway with hate, "Where is my daughter?!" He lunged for him and grabbed Junior by the collar of his top, "Where is my daughter?!"

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