The First Kiss

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Do they have lips? For these purposes we're going to say just go along with it 😁
You watched as Freddy and his gang practiced their setlist, nodding your head absentmindedly to the songs your boyfriend sang along with the band. After Freddy called for a break, he turned to Chica.

"Chica, you were a little flat. Watch it next time, okay?"

"What? I was not."

"Was so."

"Was not."

"Was so."

As you can imagine, this went on for a while, and you kept rolling your eyes. Finally, after about 2 minutes of going back and forth, you got extremely annoyed, and decided to just make him shut up already. Walking over to him, getting into the middle of his quarrel, you quickly smashed his lips up against yours. He didn't know what to do, he just stood there in shock. Once you pulled away, he just froze in shock, and you could almost see the gears turning in his head. Chica just giggled and walked away, and now you were stuck with a broken Freddy. Good job, Y/N.

"Y/NNNN!" Bonnie whined, laying down on his stomach. "I'm borrreeeeddd! I said I was sorry!"

All you did was hum in response, continuing to read your book by yourself in the corner. You see, Bonnie had let Chica eat the last of (favorite snack) and so you decided to playfully give him the silent treatment. Admittedly, it was kind of funny, but now he was beginning to get annoying. He tried everything, from poking you, to teasing you, but to no avail. Eventually he got one last idea, and he smiled to himself.

"Oh Y/NNN~" He cooed, crawling up to you. You raised an eyebrow as you looked at him, lowering your book. Without warning, he placed a quick peck upon your lips, and you could instantly feel your face heating up.


"HA! I got you to talk! I win!"

Honestly, you weren't even surprised when Chica kissed you. It was very early in your relationship as well, but again, you weren't surprised. From the get-go, she had always been affectionate, not holding back on the hugs and kisses on the cheeks. It was only one night when she ran up to you and tackled you.

While straddling you, she gave you a mischevious smirk and gave you a big fat kiss. MWAH! More than anything, you were laughing, telling her to get off, she's heavy. "Hey! I don't eat that much pizza!"

On the flip side, it would take Foxy FOREVER to get up the courage to even attempt anything like that, as that was way out of his comfort zone. It went on for so long that you actually started to get concerned.

"Foxy," You started, nervously walking up to him. He grinned at seeing you, but that expression changed to concern once he saw the look on your face. " still like me?"

"Huh? Don't be ridiculous ya scallywag, of course I do!"

"Then...why won't you kiss me?" At this question you noticed he was caught off guard, and he shyly looked away.

"Heh. I just...b-be scared, y'know?" He avoids eye contact, looking at the ground. "It's just I don't want to embarrass myself and..." He cut off in the middle of his sentence once he saw that you were walking up to him, fully aware about what you were about to do. Slowly, your arms wrapped around his neck and you pulled him into a loving kiss. After pulling away, he was smiling ear to ear.

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