Your First Encounter

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Freddy Fazbear, Foxy the Pirate, Bonnie the Bunny, Chica the Chicken

"Pleeeeaaasssseeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" The small child you were babysitting begged you to bring him to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza for the umpteenth time. You sighed in frustration.

"I told you, Matthew." You explained. "We can't go. I've heard...rumors about that place, and I don't think it's safe."

"Y/N PLEASE!" He begged, and you could see he was starting to do "puppy dog eyes". You rolled your eyes. "My parents never take me anymore...I just Foxy!" He was starting to tear up.

You put your hands on your hips.

"Now, what would your parents think if I let you go to a place they don't want you to, Matt?"

"I won't tell! I'll be on my best behavior!"

You sighed in defeat. He was lucky he was a good kid.

"Do you promise?"


"Let's go then."

"YAY!!!" He beamed at you then ran excitedly to your car. You chuckled, and followed him so that you both could go to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza.

When you arrived, you noticed how few people were inside. As Matthew ran off to Pirate Cove, you looked at all the bored parents who were eating the questionable pizza and snacks they had to offer. You treaded lightly, a little creeped out by the atmosphere. Nonetheless, you sat down and ordered pizza for you and Matthew to share. Suddenly, the lights began to do a little dance and the music started to swell. You soon realized that a show was starting. Intrigued, and having nothing better to do, you decided to watch.

Freddy Fazbear:
The curtains opened up, and immediately, you saw the star of the show; Freddy Fazbear. For some reason, he seemed to catch your eye more than the other two that were on the stage, which were a purple bunny and a yellow chicken.

"Hey Kids!" He greeted the audience. The kids cheered, and in response, shouted, "Hi Freddy!"

"Are you kids ready to have some fun?" To which all the kids responded with a "YEAH!" Freddy laughed and said "Well I can't hear you!"

You were focused on him. You didn't think you were attracted to him, but something about him was different...

Subconciously, you got up, and slowly walked to the stage, barely paying attention the the words that were being said anymore. As you got closer, you swore that you could feel eyes on you, but that was probably your imagination. After all, you were in a pizzeria with a bunch of snot-nosed kids.

Squinting, you took in all his features. You were surprised to see that he seemed to look at you, even if it was for a split second.

Before you know it, the show was over. The curtains started closing, and you were snapped back into reality. As if on impulse, you sneakily slipped behind the curtains. You didn't know exactly why, but you needed to get a closer look. You were breathless as you saw how Freddy towered over you.

"Well, what do we have here?" You heard a voice pipe up. Thinking it was the security guard, you gasped and fell down. To your shock, you saw Freddy's eyes light up, and he slowly looked right down at you, and his ears twitched. Frozen in place, your mouth stayed open as you tried to scream, but couldn't.

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