Confessions (FNAF 2)

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Toy Bonnie
After Bonnie stopped being so mad all the time, you two actually could spend time getting to know each other as friends, unaware of your feelings for each other. To your surprise, he seemed to be opening up to you more and more. That is, until one day when you came in and he seemed to be back to his usual distant self.

"Hey Bonnie, how are you today?"

"...hmph." He stuck up his nose and looked the other way, crossing his arms.

You raised an eyebrow, wondering what was wrong.

"Is something wrong, Bo-"

"I'm fine. Leave me alone." He huffed, starting to walk away from you. That was it, you'd had enough. Now he was just going back to his bitchy ways again, after all that time he'd spent actually being nice to you? What happened to the kind, lovable bunny the you grew fond of? Was it all just for nothing?

"If you hate me then just say that." You managed to choke out, disappointed that you were so easily fooled. He paused, but didn't turn around to look at you. "I don't care anymore, Bonnie. You don't have to talk to me anymore, because I won't bother you any more."

He pivoted to face you, instantly feeling instant regret for how he's acted.


"Save it." You hissed, and hastily turned around, not wanting at all to be bothered with him. Obviously, he didn't care to be bothered with you.

"Why do you have to make things so difficult?!" He exclaimed loudly, and your eyes widened at the thought that YOU were the difficult one.

"Me?! You're the one who's had something against me since day fucking one!" You pointed a finger at him. "You're always avoiding me and ignoring me, but I'm being difficult?!"

"I wouldn't have to be difficult if I knew how to control my goddamn feelings around you."

You both paused to take a moment and let those words sink in. Control his feelings? Does that mean that he...?!

"U-Uh, er, that i-is to say...s-s-sometimes I can't control m-my emotions around o-others, you know?" He laughed nervously, obviously getting flustered. His eyes darted around the room as he tried to undo his mistake, but you had already put the puzzle pieces together. He wrangled his hands together nervously, ashamed at how he could let it slip like that.

Slowly, you walked up to him, and leaned against his chest. You slowly wrapped your arms around him, and grinned when he reluctantly returned that action.

"You're such an idiot."

Toy Chica
"Okay Y/N, it should be up on that shelf to the right!" Chica directed you, while you were on top of the ladder.

"Right here?" You asked, carefully leaning towards the right. You picked up the dusty Toy Chica plushie doll and showed it to her. She smirked and  gave you a thumbs up. "Okay, do you want me to get the cupcake too?"

"Sure thing!" It was time to set her plan into action. She carefully watched as you reached over for the cupcake, waiting for the right moment.

Unfortunately, life doesn't always work out the way that it's supposed to, and that's why Toy Freddy came out of nowhere and scared the life out of Chica.

"CHICA! BB just made me mess up my game!" He whined to her.

"FREDDY!" She screeched, but it was far too late. The ladder came crashing down, and she gasped. "Y/N!" She dove to catch you, and luckily enough she was there in the nick of time. You two both ended up on the ground, but you were ultimately still wrapped in her arms. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" She asked frantically, checking your face for any damage. When you shook your head no, she pulled you close to her, wrapping you in a protective embrace.

"I'm so, so, so sorry! I don't know what I would do with myself if you got hurt! Oh, this is all my fault!" She cried, brushing away some dust from your face.

"Hey Chica..." You said quietly. She raised an eyebrow, ready to listen. Slowly, a goofy grin crept onto your face as you held up a cupcake to her. "I think that now would be as good a time as any to say that I fell for you."

After a moment of processing, she laughed quietly and accepted the cupcake plushie.

"You're such a dork."

It worried you that nobody had seen Mangle all day. Not only that, but now you couldn't find her either. She wasn't in any of the usual spots, so where could she be?

You found JJ waddling along, and you decided that she was your last hope.

"Hi, JJ." You greeted. She stopped in her tracks and waved at you, offering you a balloon. "No, no, no balloons." You smiled at her, patting her on the head. "I was wondering...have you seen Mangle? I haven't seen her anywhere."

"...I think she's in the vents." She said softly, then went on her way again without another word.

The vents? You looked up, wondering why exactly she would be in there instead of coming out to greet you. Was she avoiding you? Did she not like you anymore? Did you do something?

You found the nearest vent low to the ground, and despite your internal feelings, started crawling around. You had no idea where exactly she could be, but you weren't leaving until you found out. But then, you heard noises. It sounded like someone was talking to themselves?

"...and I'd like it if you'd go out with me. Ugh, that sounds too cliche..." You crawled a little closer, recognizing the voice as Mangle's. "Maybe I just need to keep it simple. Yeah, quick and straight to the point! 'Y/N, I like you, will you go out with me?'"

"Well, Mangle, I thought you'd never ask." You said as you came up behind her, and she yelped and turned to look at you. "Miss me?"

"Y/N, how'd you get up here?" She asked nervously. "You weren't supposed to hear that..."

"Mangle." You chuckled, and kissed the tip of her nose, leaving her flustered. "I'd love to go out with you."

You've never seen Marionette so happy.

"I...can't remember the last time I was outside like this." She admitted. "The last time I saw the stars."

"I'm happy I could show you the beauty of it again." You grinned. "Maybe we could even stay up long enough to watch the sun rise?"

"I would like that very much."

There were minutes of silence between the two of you, and then Marionette turned to you.

"You're really the most special human that I've ever had the pleasure of meeting."

"Aw, thank you!"

"I...really mean it, you know. Nobody else could ever make me as happy as you do, when you're right here next to me."

You put your hand over your heart. It was all too sweet to handle.

"Marionette, you're my best friend too."

"No." She shook her head, and sighed. "No, no, no. I harbor real feelings and real emotions for you, Y/N. Like I've never done for anyone before. I...want you to be mine."

Smiling, you put your head on her lap. She combed her fingers through your hair, and you could feel yourself starting to drift off.

"I'd love to be yours." Were your final words before you went off into dreamland. She didn't mind, though. She felt the atmosphere was soothing.

As she watched the sky, she watched as night turned into day, and she could hear the birds chirping, geese honking, and she saw the mellow orange start to shine on the horizon. It was all gorgeous, but nothing could compare to her beauty sleeping soundly on her lap.

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