Jealousy (FNAF 1)

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An update? On MY book??? It's more likely than you think.

You watched as Foxy tried adjusting his eyepatch, which was slightly out of place. As he just had a hook and mangled fingers, it always ended up being slightly out of position. It was driving you insane.

"Foxy, just let me fix it!" You exclaimed, reaching out to him. He looked at you and stood still, raising an eyebrow. He instantly relaxed once your hands met his eyepatch, and he blushed as he realized it was the closest he'd ever been to a human, and it was definitely the kindest one had ever been to him. "Aaand... perfect!"

Freddy was watching Foxy's facial expressions. As leader of the pack, it was his job to notice everything about his gang, and right now? He didn't like what he was seeing. You were confused as he came up from behind you to take your hand, leading you towards the end of the hallway and away from Pirate's Cove, lecturing you the whole way there.

"Don't you pay attention to what that damned fox says? You never underestimate the cunning of a pirate!"

"Freddy, woah, I was just adjusting his eyepatch."

"That's how it starts." He pouts. "I just... want to make sure you're not falling for him..."

You kissed his forehead, smiling up at him. "Never, Fredboy. You're the only one for me. You know that."

He smiled back at you. "I know. I just wanted to hear you say it."

You were teaching Chica to play patty-cake while Bonnie was with the other guys for a little bit, including Matt. It was important to you to have a bond with your boyfriend's friends, and besides, Matt really seemed to be warming up to them as well.

"Y/N, I'm no good at this game..." Chica huffed, crossing her arms. Smiling at her, you went slowly, making sure to guide her hands when she got the movement wrong.

When it got closer towards the end of the night, you knew you needed to take the child home, hoping to not upset his sleeping schedule too much. As you looked around for them, you found Bonnie, who was sulking in the closet. You put your hands on your hips and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Where's Matt? What's wrong with you?"

He just shrugged and hummed in response, looking away. Sighing, you turned his face towards yours, and you looked him in his eyes.

"Bonnie. What's wrong?"

"Matt said you like-liked Chica." He mumbled. "Go to her then." You made a face, then rolled your eyes.

"He's a gradeschooler, Bon. He thinks everybody like-likes everybody. He told me Foxy like-likes Chica!"

He couldn't help but let out a small laugh at that, and he sighed and hugged you, apologizing. "Apology accepted. Now, where is the little bugger? I think we're going to have a nice long chat about rumors and lies..."


You watched as you saw a blur of gray and black run out of the building, looking to be a nightguard. When he saw you, he ran up to you and shook you.

"They're crazy, man! Crazy! That chicken tried to EAT me just now! Suits! The suits! A-And that horrible, horrible predatory phone c-call..."

"Hey!" You grabbed his hands and pried them off of you. "Woah, big guy, wha... wait a minute, Patrick?!"

"Y/N... oh, Y/N, you beautiful babysitter you!" He hugged you tightly, sobbing into your shoulder. It was weird to see Matt's dad in a state of such fear. "I can't do it... I can't! I need to provide for my family but...!" He continued sobbing, and you comforted him as best you could. As you looked into the window, you saw piercing white eyes glare at the man. You could only assume Chica had grown tored of hearing you talk about Matt's family so often.

"Go home, and I'll contact the company tomorrow for you, Mister!" You told him. He nodded and thanked you, and got into his car and sped off. Groaning, you went inside to have a long talk to Chica about boundaries and overreaction.

To say the least, Foxy was acting... strangely tonight. He was being weirdly distant from yourself and the others, and anytime you tried to talk to him he would scoff and insist that he was fine. It was getting lonely, and you felt like you'd basically showed up for nothing, so you confided in Bonnie.

"I dunno. He's just weird." Bonnie shrugged, mindlessly plucking a few strings on his guitar. "Always has been."

"Do... you think he's angry at me?" You questioned with sadness in your voice.

"Tch. You know what I think? I think that Foxy-"

"Be tired of his mates blabberin' behind his back!" You saw Foxy stomping up to you and Bonnie, and you both jumped. "So, ye thought ye could pull one o'er on yer old mate foxy, right? Well, I be here to tell ye that I be not standin' fer it!"

"Foxy! We weren't-"

"Plunder me golden treasure away from me, why don't ye? Ye  better be lucky that I don't-"

"FOXY!" You stood up in front of him, holding your arms out. He paused, raising an eyebrow at you. "We were just wondering why you seem to be... in a mood today."

Foxy looked around for an excuse, but sighed and you saw him slowly start to calm down.

"...sorry, lass." He gave you a shy smile. "Sometimes I get into me own little world. Can ye find it in yer heart to forgive me?"

You kissed him on the cheek. "Don't worry, I already have."

You heard Bonnie mumble something about getting a room, but once you saw Foxy give him an icy cold stare, there was nothing but silence.

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