Hanging Out

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Down the street, the same old thing, we did last week...

1 Month Later

It was a regular Thursday for you. What did that mean for you, exactly? Watching Bonnie and Chica argue over the stupidest things, with your new pal, Freddy Fazbear. You know, the usual.

"Chica, you can be so annoying." Bonnie sighed, frustrated.

"It's not my fault you can't lighten up once in a while!" Chica yelled back. "Maybe if you would stop being such a sour puss you could actually focus on being in tune!"

"I am in tune!"

"Chica! Bonnie!" Freddy chuckled. "I think that's enough."

"Aye!" You heard Foxy shout from Pirate's Cove. "I'm trying to get me beauty sleep!"

Bonnie and Chica glared at each other, but didn't say anything else. Chica just turned her head away, and stomped out of the room, into the kitchen.

"Whatever." Bonnie muttered, sitting on the edge of the stage. When he saw Chica was gone, he carefully started to check if his guitar was in tune.

As weird as it was to wrap your head around being friends with 4 animatronics, you had to admit, it was pretty funny at least 85% of the time.

It was after hours, and you sat on the stage with Bonnie, looking at Matt play with Foxy.

"I guess he's gotten used to it." Bonnie suggested, looking at you. You smiled, nodding.

"He's having the time of his life." You looked at him sword fighting with Foxy, who held a pipe in his hand.

"What about you, Y/N?" Bonnie asked curiously. You looked at him, thinking about your answer. Sure, Matt seemed pretty cool with it. But you...?

"Well," you began, trying to put it in a way that wouldnt directly insult him. "Hanging out with you all is fun, and I know Matt enjoys it. Howcver, I guess this experience is all a bit surreal to me."

Bonnie shrugged. "I get it. Don't worry about it. Hey, wanna come eat pizza with me?"

"Sure!" You jumped off the stage, and into the kitchen you both went.

"Alright Y/N!" Chica said, laughing. "Would you rather die by burning or die by burning?"

"Wow, Chica. Coming in with the hard questions."


You took another bite of your slice, pondering the answer.

"Well, I think I would want to-"

"Chica!" Freddy suddenly yelled, making the 2 of you jump. "We're on in 2 minutes! Come on, they're gonna be looking for you."

"Oh my god, it's already 5:30!" Chica whined. "We just had a show 15 minutes agoooooooooooooo!"

"That's showbiz for you." You could hear Bonnie say from behind Freddy, and you giggled.

"Oh well. See you in a few, Y/N." Chica hugged you, and quickly followed her friends onto stage.

Smiling to yourself, you happily took the last piece of pizza that was on the plate. What was she going to do, stop you?

"And don't you dare eat my pizza!" You heard her yell from the other room, making you jump and drop the slice back onto the plate.

Geez, what was with them and yelling?

You were in Pirate's Cove with Foxy. Believe it or not, it was actually quite roomy in there. You had plenty of room to sit, stand, stretch, or even lay down if you wanted to. Now you knew why he always preferred to hang out here.

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