Confessions (FNAF 1)

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Lol my bad y'all but for the sake of productivity and getting these out we're separating them for this one, especially because these are just a liittttle bit longer than usual and I don't want to go on a hiatus again >.>

It's been a rough night for our favorite Fazbear. Kids just wouldn't leave him alone tonight. They kept trying to touch him, scratch him, leave their greasy hand prints on him...

When he finally saw you at the end of a long day, he couldn't help himself but to wrap you in a big bear hug. You giggled, because he wasn't usually this outwardly affectionate. The hug seemed to linger this time as well, not that you minded. When you finally did part, he looked at you with a dreamy expression.

"Oh, Y/ always make my day brighter when you visit me."

"Aw, Freddy..." You smiled warmly at him. "I feel the same way about you. That's why I love coming here to see you...uh- all of you, that is!" You quickly caught yourself. That was a close one.

Freddy looked down at his feet, sighing. Of course you would say that.

"Freddy, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, nothing, it's just...been a long day." He walked to the edge of the stage and sat down, putting his head in his hands. You walked next to him, and put your hand on his back.

"Well I'm here for you." You reminded him, and gave him another award-winning smile. He stared into your eyes for a second, and suddenly, you got the courage to do something you thought you'd never do. "U-Um, Freddy, I have a random question for you, if you don't mind."

"Ask away."

"I know you can feel happiness, sadness, and anger... but is there a chance that you could also feel...l-love?"

You saw his small robotic ears twitch at that, and he turned to face you.

"U-Uh, well, yeah, I can f-feel love. Uh, why do you ask?"

"I was just wondering is all..." You blushed, and sighed. You couldn't do it. What if he laughed at you?

Freddy closed his eyes, as of contemplating something, then opened them again, smiling at you.

"In fact...the only reason I know that is because of you, Y/N."

You widened your eyes.


"I know, I know. Call me crazy but...I think that I've fallen for you, Y/N. Not a day passes by that I'm not thinking of you, your amazing personality, your wonderful H/C hair, your beautiful smile...I'm heating up just saying that." He averted his eyes, afraid to meet your gaze. "But I know you could never feel the same way as I do-"

"I like you too, Freddy." You interrupted him. "You don't know how happy it makes me to hear you say that..." You hugged him, and you could definitely feel him heating up. Slowly, he wrapped his arms around you.

"Y/N, will you be mine?"

"Yes, Freddy, I'd love to be."

One night, you took Matt to the pizzeria with you, and he went off to go find Foxy, leaving you and Bonnie alone.

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