You Develop Feelings

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Hello yes I've come with an update for you all. I've made the executive decision that all chapters will now have a meme attached. It will either be FNAF related or chapter related. I'm going back and adding them to past chapters. Thank you for your time. Also I'm back updating hopefully 😌

Honestly, when you first met him, you weren't sure how exactly to feel. You were terrified, but he was very kind to you. For one reason or another, you let him grow close to you. Now hugs were a regular thing between the two of you. So were gifts.

You realized you liked him one night when you and Chica were goofing off on the stage. You and her were play fighting, and you hadn't realized how close you got to the edge of the stage. So, of course, when she pushed you, you fell. The stage wasn't extremely tall, but it would've hurt if you fell to the ground. IF you fell to the ground. Luckily for you, Freddy was watching from a distance and noticed how close you were to falling, so he quickly rushed over and you fell right into his arms.

Speechless, and also honestly impressed, you just stared at him, and he just chuckled at your clumsiness.

"Be more careful, Y/N. Even though I would never let you fall like that, I just want you to be safe."

"S-Sorry..." You could feel yourself blushing, and you tried to hide your face.

As he set you down and walked away, you felt your heart beating in your chest and you knew, you just knew...

You'd fallen in love.

You and Bonnie had a carefree friendship, full of sarcasm, jokes, roasting, etc. Neither of you took anything too seriously, and that may have been exactly why you started feeling so comfortable around him. Maybe even a little bit too comfortable, because now, you were developing feelings for Bonnie.

You realized this when you came to visit Bonnie one night, and he seemed to be in sleep mode. Usually, he was awake by the time that you got there, so this was odd to you. Looking at him, he wasn't making a peep, so that confirmed that he was sleeping. Matt decided not to come today, as he was feeling unwell, so it was just you alone in the quiet, dark, slightly ominous pizzeria...

You nearly died as Foxy ran up behind you and decided to screech as loud as he could. You fell forward, but luckily for you, you didn't fall to the ground. Instead, you fell into Bonnie's arms, because unknowingly to you, he was only pretending to be asleep.

"He got you good, Y/N!" Bonnie laughed, and you heard both Foxy and Chica laughing behind you. You weren't laughing, though. You were actually terrified, and your face was buried into Bonnie's chest. He stopped laughing when he noticed that you were upset, and he glared at Foxy.

"Foxy! Can't you see that's she's actually scared?!" He snapped.

"But Bonnie, you were-"

"I can't believe you would do such a thing! Shame on you." He looked at you, and stroked your hair. "There there, it's okay Y/N." He spoke softly. "Everything is okay, I'm here for you."

"Thank you, Bonnie..." You smiled and looked at him. "But I know you were in on it too."

"Dang it."


It didn't take all that long for you to start developing feelings for Chica. It was unexpected, but you fell hard.

It all started whenever you two had finally ran out of pizza to eat. It was bound to eventually happen, at the rate that you two were going. You started to freak out, worried that you two would get caught.

"Chica what do we do?!"


"Certainly the staff will notice we ate all of the food! They'd be dumb not to notice!"

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