Chapter 31: Left For Dead

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Avali "Sparrow" Hwa
6 December 2023
Unknown Location In France

My team is dead, I'm stranded in France. Am I even still in France at this point? It's a very dense forest. I found Dev out here. We don't discuss his real name or how we know each other, that's not important. We're close and trust one another, that's what matters. We won't kill each other as a result of lack of trust. Right now, Dev is the only person I trust. Anyone else is likely to get fucked up. Dev and I prefer stealth over anything, we have bows. Not like modern bows, wooden bows that we made out here. Guns are loud, even with suppressors, and ammo is scarce. I don't feel like grabbing bullets from dead bodies while I'm trying to run to safety. There's trees and rocks everywhere so we can make arrows. This shit is like a movie.

Dev: Sparrow, Sparrow.

Sparrow: What?

Dev: Wake up.

Sparrow: What time is it?

Dev: Just passed 1:00.

Sparrow: Shit, we need to get moving. Any sign of Ochron?

Dev: Negative. Nothing yet. No search parties, no radio, no nothing.

Sparrow: We've been left for dead.

Dev: You've been left for dead. I'm wanted... Plus, I'm not an Ochron soldier.

Elzbieta "Malutki" Bosak
6 December 2023
Front Lines Of Western Front

Ela: Where'd your brother go?

Jun: To look for our missing team. We lost comms.

Ela: Have a last radio transmission?

Jun: It was in a conversation with me. Nothing after that though. That area seems to be a dead spot.

We're trying to find them, trying to contact them, but nothing is working. If we go search for them, we could be stranded out there, anything could be happen...

Jun: Ela.

Ela: Yeah?

Jun: If I am to die out here, I want-

Jun kept talking, but a mortar crashed down and filled my ears so I didn't hear him.

Ghost: French Forces advancing from the west!

Ghost 2: Northwest as well!

Ghost 3: East! How the fuck did they get around us?!

Jun: Fuck, let's move.

Ghost 4: South! Spanish troops?!

Ela: The Spanish switched sides!

Ghost 3: Gupil PMC on the east!

Jun: 2-5-9-1-4-6-2-0-12-6-3-7-8-0-9-2!

Radio: That's on your current position.

Jun: I know it is. Fire the fucking shells!

Radio: Roger that, shells out.

Jun: Ela, come on.

Ela: What? To where?

Jun: Just follow me unless you want to die.

Ela: Okay.

Radio: 30 seconds to impact.

Jun: Let's go.

Ghost: Commander, run!

The Ghost got grabbed by one of the American contractors and a large knife was shoved through his torso.

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