Chapter 27: The Enemy Of My Enemy

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Avali Hwa
5 December 2023
Ghost Headquarters

Malutki is alive. She recovered from her wounds and is back in action. Recently, we've gained a tip from a KGB insider. There's a Soviet cell in Berlin who is targeting Delta. The HQ has been put on full lock down. Before now, there was a public area where people could come visit and sometimes see the Ghosts training. If they were lucky, they could see Delta. Now, there's no one allowed unless they're one of us. The Soviet cell is being dealt with. Our informant isn't revealing themselves. Maybe they are being a double agent? Either way, they're helpful so far. I'm the personal guard of Wrath. Malutki is usually with him so I guess I'm the guard of both.

In the last week or two, the White Masks emerged from the shadows. Almost one hundred civilians of Ochron have been killed. Wrath made a statement not long ago on this. He said that their leader will burn for her crimes. All we know about the leader is that she's a woman. I also assume that Wrath means the leader will actually burn. I am about 80% sure that he means it. This morning, Wrath and Malutki are training. As the guard of them, I get the honor (and misfortune) of training with them. A misfortune because I'm about to get my ass kicked and it's going to hurt. Banshee trains with Delta sometimes, but mainly with the Ghosts and Outcasts. It's nice to see that she is. The Ghosts get to connect with one of the Commanders, even if they do get the shit beat out of them in the process. The Outcasts keep to themselves when not on mission. They don't hang around with the Ghosts very much. They're very to themselves. I don't really care, they get the job done. That's all that matters. This isn't something you go into for the money. You join the Ochron Armed Forces in hopes of eventually becoming a Ghost. You aren't in for the money. You're in for your country and the freedom of yourself and your people. Everyone in Ochron respects our military. It's interesting. The Volgus Council isn't seen as the leaders of this country, Wrath is seen as the leader of the country. He doesn't accept it, but he will if he's voted in. Even the Volgus Council views Wrath as our leader. This country would be very well off if he was our leader. I was in my thoughts when I heard Wrath's voice.

Wrath: What do you mean?

Gehirn: I mean that the United Western States and Canada joined forces.

Wrath: We might have to deal with them.

Gehirn: No, Commander. They share our ideologies.

Wrath: I'll get in touch with them. If they want support, deploy Armata Warkot.

Gehirn: Yes, Commander.

Wrath disappeared into the Command Bunker for a few hours. Then, he emerged out with his rifle.

Wrath: Spectre, gear up. Get ten Ghosts and the Outcasts.

Avali: Yes, Commander.

5 December 2023
Berlin, Germany

I was just sitting outside, watching the functions of the Ghost HQ despite my Comrades being dead. Comrade Kelikov will not like this. Especially if he finds out that I'm the one who gave the anonymous tip. Through my spy abilities, I've figured out some ways to get intel without even coming close to exposing myself. I won't be giving this intel to the Soviets. Hell no. I'm not going back. I've seen some Russians. They're following me and watching me. They're Soviets. I'm going to be captured and sent to a camp. There's one way I can get out of this. The Ghosts have orders to try to capture Soviets if possible. If I hold up my Soviet Military ID card and surrender, they'll capture me. Then I'll be safe from the Soviets. I need to make the move now. It's a five minute walk to the Ghost HQ. The Soviets can't know that I'm leaving. How would they? To my observers, I'm collecting intel. I actually am... For myself.

Han: Don't shoot!

Ghost: On your knees! Commander Wrath, get to the front gate immediately! A Soviet spy is surrendering!

I heard a van pull up behind me and several doors slam shut.

Ghost: Contact! Conta-

These five or so Soviets have no chance, especially since they just killed a Ghost. Five of those little drones flew out from the base and I saw Wrath running on the other side of the gate. Instead of running away like any other leader, Wrath ran at the danger. He ran at the danger ahead of his men and women.

Wrath: No prisoners!

It didn't take long for that command to be reacted to. About fifty bullets narrowly missed me, each one digging itself into a Soviet behind me. Five bodies fell the ground with thunks. There were five people. That math is simple. 

Spectre: No mercy.

I'm about to get my brains blown out in front of every Ghost and the Commanders.

Wrath: Stop!

Spectre: Yes, Commander!

The trigger was partially pulled. The reaction time of this Spectre and Wrath's command just saved my life.

Wrath: Get him in the TC!

Spectre: Yes, Commander!

I quickly found out that TC stands for "Torture Chamber"

I hate my life.

Wrath: Where's that ID?

Spectre: Right here.

Wrath: Resume normal patrols, dismissed.

This left just Wrath and myself in the TC.

Wrath: State your name.

Han: Han.

Wrath: Last name.

Han: I can't do that.

The last name on my ID is scratched out so he can't see it.

Wrath: Now why is that?

Han: I'll be killed.

Wrath: Who's going to kill you?

Han: Just leave me to die.

Wrath: What is your name?

Wrath began the torture. Fuck my life. Kill me now. Mild electrocution isn't fun. Fuck this place. It's still better than the Soviets. I could be in a work camp, so I'm decently fine with this.

Banshee: Jun!

Wrath: What?

Banshee: I'll take this over. You're needed in Sector 1.

Wrath: Got it.

Banshee: Alright, asshole. What's your name?

Han: Han.

Banshee: We know that. What's your last name?

Han: You have my ID.

Banshee: The Soviet thinks he's funny.

The torture lasted for an hour, I think. I lost track of time and consciousness so I have no fucking clue. Why won't I tell them my name? I'm not a Soviet asset anymore. I surrendered. These people are going to kill me though.

Banshee: What is your last name and what was your mission in Berlin?

Han: My mission? To kill you. My name? Geong. Han Geong.

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