Chapter 2: The Raid

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Dokkaebi POV

A large explosion rattled the area and large cloud of dust and smoke rose up hundreds of feet in the air. The shock wave turned the ground to jelly in a 50 meter radius and hit us which stunned us and knocked us off balance.

*24 hours earlier* Wrath POV

Wrath: Alright, listen up. Team Rainbow will be coming. They will overpower us, but we will hold our ground. We will plant explosives everywhere. If they get too close, blow them up. We can not let the files fall into their hands. Does everyone understand?

Militia Member: I'm not dying for these files!

I shot the traitor in the head and hit body fell to the ground.

Wrath: Does everyone understand?

Everyone understood so I set a lot of duffel bags full of explosives out.

Wrath: We will plant them all!

This town wasn't apart of Delta, but they supported us. It took 20 hours to spread the explosives around the area evenly to get the maximum destruction when they're detonated. I planned to be watching from afar and detonate the explosives either way. These people would talk the second they fell into Team Rainbow's custody. When the explosives were planted, it was dark outside and I met with Alexa and Dallas.

Wrath: We're going up to the top of that cliff. We're setting up camp. We get to watch this play out.

Alexa: These aren't our people.

Wrath: That's why we're leaving them. I'm detonating the explosives no matter what.

I held the detonator up and armed all the bombs with the press of a button.

Wrath: Let's move.

Dallas: What about the ship?

Wrath: The asshole is on it. There's one charge on it as well. It's going to sink.

Dallas: Sounds good. Let's move. Come on, Alexa.

We jumped in a small Jeep-type vehicle and drove a few hundred meters away to a clifftop.

Wrath: I'm sure they have snipers and this the best overwatch location in the area. Stay alert.

*Timeskip 4 hours* Dokkaebi POV

We parachuted in the dead of night. The only light was that of the compound in the dead outback of Australia. The air, even up this high, was dry and warm. It looked as if it hadn't rained for years, a big change from England. I landed on the ground and regrouped with my team.

Sledge: Alright, let's move. Glaz, see anything of interest?

The radio was dead silent. Glaz was tasked with getting to the cliff nearby. One gunshot echoed throughout the vast wasteland of the outback and static was heard over the radio channel.

Dokkaebi: Six, we have a problem.

Six: What is it?

Dokkaebi: Glaz is unresponsive. I heard a shot.

Six: Find him. He's more important than the files.

Ash: I have a plan. Dokkaebi, on me. Sledge and Zero, move into the compound. Glaz could be in there.

Zero: Perfect shot. ARGUS in place. I see twenty, at least, guards asleep. Ten patrolling.

Sledge: Copy. We're coming, Timur.

The ruck to the cliff wasn't hard, but it wasn't fun either. What I saw at the top of the cliff was chilling. A Jeep parked there still running, a burnt out campfire, a pool of blood with some streaks around it, and a parachute stuck in a few trees. Hanging from that parachute, Timur "Glaz" Glazkov -- beaten and with a few stab marks. Nothing lethal.

Dokkaebi: Glaz!

Glaz: I'm ok.

Glaz unclipped the center part of the harness from the parachute and dropped a few meters to the ground.

Dokkaebi: Are you ok?

Glaz: I'm fine.

Dokkaebi: What is this?

A file laid on the ground next to where Glaz fell.

Glaz: They forgot it. I landed and surprised them. They fled north. Said something about Bunker Zeta.

Dokkaebi: Zeta, the phonetic term for the letter Z, the 26th letter in the alphabet. They have 26 bunkers.

Glaz: They also said something about a last stand... And how we wouldn't secure the compound.

Ash was on the radio with Six as I dealt with Glaz.

Glaz: Hundreds of kilograms of something. They didn't say.

Dokkaebi: Gas... Zero, Sledge, gas masks.

Zero: Copy.

Sledge: What the fuck?

 A large explosion rattled the area and a large cloud of dust and smoke rose up hundreds of feet in the air. The shock wave turned the ground to jelly in a 50 meter radius and hit us which stunned us and knocked us off balance.

Ash: Sledge, do you copy? Zero? Fuck. Six?

We were only getting static over the radio. On all channels. My optic and laser sight were all disabled.

Dokkaebi: It was also an EMP. We're cut off.

What looked like a smoke grenade rolled up next to me, but it didn't say smoke grenade along the side. It said "Toxic Chemicals. Handle with caution."

Dokkaebi: Gas!

I dropped backwards as I was sitting on my feet to check on Glaz and kicked the gas grenade off the cliff before it detonated. When it did, it detonated mid-air and filled a few meter radius with gas, instantly.

Ash: Gas masks.

I turned around while getting my gas mask on with my gun raised and saw the device that launched the gas grenade. It was a small home-made catapult.

Dokkaebi: Fucking bastards.

Glaz: Read the file.

Glaz was back on his feet and I stayed sitting on the ground.

Dokkaebi: Take a seat. We'll be stuck here for a while.

Ash lit the campfire up and we sat around it as I opened the file. It had a single paper in it with only one word on it. "Silence"

Dokkaebi: What is this supposed to mean?

Glaz: Maybe a reference to the EMP. We've been silenced electronically.

Ash: Six... Sledge... Zero? Fuck!

Glaz: Hold on. Where it my rifle?

Dokkaebi: There.

Glaz picked his rifle up and switched the thermal sight on.

Glaz: Fuck, it's off too.

After a few minutes of looking around the area without thermal, Glaz stopped.

Dokkaebi: Anything?

Glaz: I saw two people who look like Sledge and Zero. A lot of deformed guards. There is a cargo ship half sunken.

Dokkaebi: Let's move down there.

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