Chapter 11: The Beginning

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Jun "Wrath" Geong
5 January 2023
Ghost Squadron Training Facility

It's time. It's time for the CPC's first move. The international tensions had been rising and they were ready to snap. Europe was about to attack the CPC. I won't abandon my allies. My people. My friends. We aren't separated. We are one. The CPC must act before the enemy does. Act number one, join Switzerland and Poland. To do this, we will need Czechia, Austria, and Liechtenstein. Lichtenstein can be taken by force. An alternative, Germany. If we can just turn Germany, all three countries will be joined. An open border policy would be established as we would be the CPC. The three countries would be similar to states in the USA. The government would be the fairest in the world. We aren't voting bases off of political party, we're voting off of whether or not that candidate would be the best for the coalition. Overall, we're the Coalition Pact of Change. On the surface, we're terrorists or murderers or the bad guys. Under the surface, we're protecting our freedom. We're protecting the things that matter - the children, the women, the citizens. Criminals will be heavily punished. Killed for anything that brings harm - robbery, grand theft, grand theft auto, murder, treason, and many other things. Most of which just get you a prison sentence in the United States of America.

Step one was to show the training Ghost Squadron was receiving. We had been training them since the CPC founded.

Every day is more training. They practice one thing for a week and show what they've accomplished. If we're satisfied, they move on. If not, they go back and train that for another week. It can be very exhausting to have to have the shit beaten out of you by your teammate for hand to hand combat everyday, but it takes what it takes. To stay in the game and to stay above your opponent, you must train often. Our one Spectre, Robert "Dash" Duloporg, was the best we had. He trained with us personally and excelled in every topic.

Harishva "Harry" Pandey
5 January 2023
Hereford Base, England

The Coalition Pact of Change, or CPC, held five of my Operators. Five Operators that are family to everyone in this base, especially Ela. The CPC released a training video. I knew a head-on fight would not work against them after seeing it. Ghost Squadron has double the skill my team does and they have more people. Obviously, I am keeping an eye on Ela because her sister is MIA. Even though the Bosak sisters have their problems, Ela was still sad. I could see it.

Elzbieta "Ela" Bosak
5 January 2023
Hereford Base, England

My sister is MIA. But the CPC has reason. Team Rainbow would be considered an invading army. We weren't invited into Poland. This is now bigger than Delta. Delta isn't just a few people. This encompasses the world. I can't say that I'm against the CPC. I can't say that I fully support them without knowing their full cause. Based off of what their government is, with that interesting type of leadership, the CPC could be the greatest in the world. If they gather a large piece of Europe, they overpower the United States of America. The Coalition Pact of Change could be the change we need. Dealing with the White Masks on top of this shit is stressful. Wondering where my sister is or if she's okay is stressful. Zofia and I didn't get along, but we're sisters and we love one another. We are the youngest of the Bosak family. That doesn't include Zofia's family. I wonder how they are. They live in Wroclaw, so they're in the CPC. Zofia proudly displays the last name on her uniform so her family is likely to be arrested. Unless the CPC doesn't care.

Zofia "Zofia" Bosak
5 January 2023
Unknown Location

I was in a cell. I was in a prison. A prison where we were not with other inmates. We were in with ourselves and a lot of guards. Wrath, Nova, and Banshee stop by often. With them, there is always a small group of Ghosts. But at their sides, mostly Wrath's, there was one person whose mask had a stripe of red across the skull. The red was across the same place that Wrath's is.

Zofia: Hey!

Wrath: What?

Zofia: Where are we?

Wrath: Prison. You're a POW.

Zofia: Please don't hurt my family.

Wrath: Your family is fine. Don't expect to see them soon.

Zofia: When will you let us out?

Wrath: When Rainbow stops.

Wrath and the group walked through the large metal door with "Coalition Pact of Change" stamped firmly on it. On the other side, another large door. We can't escape here. We weren't treated horribly. POW maltreatment is a war crime and they aren't doing that. The food we get served is good. We get coffee. The cells aren't bad. All of were given books, pencils, and other things to entertain ourselves. When we were let out of the cells for exercise, there wasn't any guards. We were just securely locked in an area. We pretty much got our own base. The cells have showers in them with small privacy walls and shower curtains. We were given pretty much whatever we needed.

Zofia: Hey!

Ghost: What, inmate?

Zofia: Where is this prison at?

Ghost: Earth.

The Ghost with a large figure and intimidating look went back to where he was at.

Eliza: Smart ass.

Oh yeah, we get cellmates. Except for Timur. He gets to be alone. They gave him a toy gun because he was constantly talking about his rifle. The thing was plastic, but had a real rail on it so they gave him his scope as well. That way, he can continue practice his breathing and scope placement. These Ghosts aren't very nice people to speak to, but they do treat us well in this POW camp. They played music over an intercom system for us. Seamus gets to be in a cell with Kali.

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