Chapter 35: The End?

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Han "Disciple" Geong
12 December 2023
Paris, France

Sittin' in a safe house again... Civvies are here still..

Sparrow: Look at the news!

News Anchor: After Paris was turned to a warzone and the White Mask terrorist threat emerged in the city, the French Government reportedly brought up peace treaty agreements, according to a leak from the Ochron Foreign Relations Agency. The United Kingdom and its allied countries have 'no intentions' on surrender or compromise. This was Maria on Channel 7.

Sparrow: France is surrendering?

Disciple: Apparently. We should return to the Ghosts.

Sparrow: Yeah, we'll be deserters otherwise.

Disciple: They won't charge us. My brother will intervene.

Sparrow: He's hardcore, might stick to the laws.

Disciple: Not on us.

Sparrow: Where's Dev?

Disciple: Wasn't he just here?

Elzbieta "Malutki" Bosak
12 December 2023
Ghost HQ, Berlin, Germany

Jun is still in Paris. A lot of stuff is being talked about on the internet.

"Ochron Director Geong - the past"
"The truth about Geong"
"Why Geong is so hated"

These articles say that Jun has the weight of the deaths of 34,000 civvies on his shoulders. Apparently, Jun is worse that ISIS and Al Qaeda combined. Somehow, people apparently have Jun's conversations with all foreign leaders. Those conversations are the most secured and confidential things in the world, not kidding. Jun also apparently is a White Mask. I don't know how the fuck that works. I'm in charge of the country while Jun is gone. His brother is Second-in-Command, but he's also kind of gone too.

Peace talks have begun between Ochron and France. The United States is pulling their troops out of France and joining the peace talks. The United Kingdom is the only country still hostile. We've won. In the peace talks with France, there is an agreement that France joins Ochron and they support it. The United States just wants peace between us. You may be wondering what happened with the New Soviet Republic. So am I. They've been dark for a long time.

Jun "Wrath" Geong
21 December 2023
Ochron Capitol, Berlin, Germany

The new Capitol Building is nice. France joined Ochron. The United States pulled out of the war... The United Kingdom gave up, they pulled their troops out and signed a treaty.

By the way, Sparrow and Han returned. Alexa is here, she's just visiting old friends.

The war is over. We won. Ochron overpowered the superpowers of the world.

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