Chapter 15: The Frontier

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Elzbieta "Malutki" Bosak
16 February 2023
Somewhere in the German wild

I ducked a punch and pushed the hostile's arm up, same as I did against Craig. This time when I pulled the knife from my shoulder sheath, I slashed it across their throat. That was when I realized, I'm not a counter terrorist anymore. I'm a soldier. The Ghosts began calling me "Malutki" or Tiny. This was because I'm small in comparison to them. Jun called me Malutki sometimes as a joke. All four of us were friends. Alexa and I are great friends and fucked with each other quite often. Jun and Dallas are closer to each other than either one of us which makes sense. Women generally hangout with other women more often. Jun is an overall nice person to be around, unless he's angry. Then you leave him alone.

Alexa: Ela, watch out!

I reacted too slow and got knocked down to my back. Another old teammate of mine - Jack "Pulse" Estrada knocked Alexa back and into a wall then stood over me with an M45 Meusoc. Right then, I was ready to die. I was ready to die for this cause.

Jack: You're not anyone I know.

Jack put the gun to my head. My heart was racing, my mind was racing. I'll never be able to see my mother again. I'll never see my sister again. I'll never be here to see the Coalition Pact of Change in its entirety. I will be the first casualty on the CPC side of this war. A Commander as the first casualty. I opened my eyes and a blur of tan coloration brought Jack to the ground. I pulled the pin from a Grzmot mine and dropped it next to me. With the detection of someone with no chip, it detonated. I looked over and saw the blur that saved my life - Jun. He was sitting over Jack delivering punch after punch to his face. I noticed that Jack had a knife in his hand, my knife. If my teammate, my friend, dies it won't be from my own weapon. Before I could do anything, Jun grabbed the arm of Jack and slammed the knife through Jack's temple. Jun got up and crouched next to me. Alexa was up and fine at this point. I, however, was not so fine. I hit my head on the side and front when I fell. There was blood streaming down and I saw that my abdomen was also bleeding. Due to the adrenaline, I didn't feel it when Jack stabbed me. The knife was still in my stomach.

Jun: Shit.

I suddenly felt all the pain wash over me and my vision faded slowly to black.

Harishva "Harry" Pandey
16 February 2023
Hereford Base, England

I lost contact with Pulse. His team told me the news when they got back to base.

Lion: Pulse is dead, sir.

Six: What happened?

Lion: Wrath killed him.

Dokkaebi: Don't forget the part where Jack was going to kill Ela and Wrath saved her.

Six: Are you defending a terrorist?

Dokkaebi: Yes, sir. I suppose I am.

16 February 2023
Voljusa Research Facility, Austria

Wrath: How is it coming along?

Gehirn: Good. We have a new prototype. Come, I will show you.

Wrath: Lead the way.

Voljusa Technological Industries, or VTI, had been working on a "device" for Delta. Due to our technology, we made great advancements very quickly. This project was extremely top secret and no one could find out. I only had two others working on it with me. This is our most ambitious project yet. The prototype went well and Wrath was impressed.

Wrath: Very well. Notify us when you have it completed.

Gehirn: Can do.

Alexa "Banshee" Logan
17 February 2023
Bunker Kilo

We were in a bunker - Bunker Kilo - located on the wilderness of Austria. Ela was transported here as this is where our best doctors are. Doctors whose names will not be discussed.

Jun: How is she?

Doctor: Stable... Somewhat. The knife almost hit her appendix.

Jun: Is she going to make it?

Doctor: I wish I could say for sure. She's likely to live, but you can never say for sure.

Jun: Is she conscious?

Doctor: No, not currently. She woke up, but we knocked her back out. She'll be awake in a couple hours most likely.

Jun: Okay.

Elzbieta "Malutki" Bosak
17 February 2023
Bunker Kilo

I woke up in a place I had never been. There was doctors around me wearing masks, concealing their entire faces. They were hidden so well I couldn't even see their skin color. I don't know where I am. Where's Jun? Alexa? Dallas?

Ela: Where am I?

Doctor: She's awake!

Doctor 2: Sir!

I wasn't in friendly territory anymore, I'm sure of it. These are hostiles, I bet.

Doctor: How are you feeling?

Ela: Where am I?

Doctor: Bunker Kilo... Go get the Commander!

A few minutes later, Jun and Alexa walked in. Alexa with her wolf pelt and Jun with his M32. I was happy to see them. Jun walked to the side of my hospital bed and I smiled weakly. My stomach really hurts and my head was throbbing.

Jun: Hey. How do you feel?

Ela: Not good. Don't move.

Jun: Why?

Ela: You're blocking the light and my head hurts.

Jun: Hey, turn the light off!

The light went out and I tried sitting up, but couldn't.

Jun: Hey, just stay there.

I wanted to hug Jun because he saved my life, but I couldn't. I felt a little lightheaded and tired so I laid my head back.

Ela: I'm going to sleep.

Elzbieta "Malutki" Bosak
19 February 2023
Bunker Kilo

I was able to walk again. It causes a bit of pain, but nothing too bad. I saw Jun when I walked out of the infirmary of the bunker and ran towards him to hug him.

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