Chapter 21: Last Words

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Alexa "Banshee" Logan
20 June 2023
POW Encampment

We arrived with a squad of Ghosts and saw the sight outside. Bodies and body parts hung up everywhere. People, Ghosts, hanging from their own intestines. Inside, I heard a voice. A voice I knew.

Noose: Any last words?

Zofia Bosak: Pierdol się, dupku. Nigdy nie przestaniesz tego, co nadchodzi. Pakt Zmian Koalicji dotrze tutaj i da ci skórę żywcem!

I busted down the door and saw Noose... With a fucking human intestine hanging from his shoulders.

Ghost: Nie ruszaj się!

Alexa: Hände hoch! (Hands up!)

Dallas: Let me see those hands!

I imagine it would be confusing hearing three different languages get shouted at you. Either way, this dumbass decided to try to raise his gun at two Commanders and twelve Ghosts. So I don't make you puke, he got shot so many times that he could barely be identified as a human anymore.

Alexa: Find Dash!

Oh we found Dash, alright. We found Dash dead... Not just shot or stabbed to death... Literally hollowed out. Dash's body was hollowed out... Nothing was there. All of his insides were on the floor. What? The? Fuck?

Alexa: Find Rook and Finka!

Rook and Finka were stationed here, with Dash.

Rook: Up here!

Rook and Finka opened fire on us... Fucking traitors.

Jun "Wrath" Geong
20 June 2023
[REDACTED], Germany

Neither Alexa nor Dallas nor any of the Ghosts they took have reported in.

Ela: Jun, look at me. Go find them.

Wrath: I'm not leaving you here.

Ela: I'm safe here.

Wrath: That's what we thought back on October Revolution Island.

Ela: Just go. This place is completely hidden.

Ghost: Banshee reported!

Wrath: Give me the radio.

Alexa: Fuck... Jun, Rook and Finka are traitors. They're dead now, but we lost some too.

Wrath: Who?

Alexa: Ten out of twelve Ghosts........ And Dallas.

Wrath: Dallas?

Alexa: He's dead, Jun... They killed him...

Wrath: We will get revenge... Pandey is yours.

Alexa: I intend to make him suffer.

The line went quiet, but I knew Alexa was fine because her tracker was still online and monitoring her vitals.

Ela: Dallas... Is dead?

Wrath: Yes...

Ela: Fuck!

Wrath: Ces putains de connards! Je vais pousser une mangue salée si loin dans le cul qu'ils vont commencer à réciter le Manifeste communiste!

Ela: Jun, calm down.

Wrath: Et sanguis in manibus meis... Non prohibere ad me et innocentum... Et vitam perdidit innocentes manus meas ad ... et non subditis destinamus.  Чертовы суки заплатят. Никто от меня не убежит. Никто не будет. Всех ждет одна и та же неминуемая судьба. Все будет возвращено семье по частям.

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