Chapter 34: Operation Hellstorm

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Han "Disciple" Geong
10 December 2023
Paris, France

Ghost Sergeant: Clear the building! Kill the traitors!

We're in the basement of the building being searched. I don't know who the traitors are. Is it us? I don't want to find out.

Disciple: Who are the traitors?

Sparrow: Probably you and me.

Dev: And I'm wanted. They're just gonna kill us all.

Disciple: Shh.

Ghost: Did you hear that?

Ghost Sergeant: Find them!

Disciple: Dev and Sparrow, take the tunnel. I'll hold them.

There's a tunnel to enter and exit this building. Out of all of us, I'm the least likely to be shot... Because you know, last name Geong and all.

As Sparrow and Dev were about to enter the tunnel, a collection of gunfire drew our attention. This place is old and we could look up through the floorboards. A blood-splattered Ghost dropped to the floor and looked at me. His mask was gone and he mouthed the word "Run" to me.

???: Kill them all!

??? 2: Yes, ma'am!

I saw people dressed in varying uniforms.

I saw people dressed in varying uniforms

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I counted about fifteen.

??? 2: In the basement!

The group began to shoot through the floorboards and one splintered and eventually fell.

Disciple: Run!

More of the floor splintered and cracked as they shot more.

Disciple: Through the tunnel!

10 December 2023
Paris, France
Operation Hellstorm

Alpha 2-2: Chives, targets on the tower. Repeat, targets on the tower, second level. Cleared hot, give 'em hell.

Chives: Danger close.

I'm a veteran Ghost pilot, currently in an attack helicopter. The target location is the Eiffel Tower. Paris is mostly in Ochron control, there's still sectors under French control. And now, the White Masks are emerging and fighting with us and the French. The Eiffel Tower is one of the sectors under White Mask control and we're going to take it down. My Sergeant went MIA not far from here with the last radio transmission being "Clear the building! Kill the traitors!" The traitors are a fifteen man squad of Ghosts who switched sides to the London Pact, or the French-British alliance that has been our main enemy. From the radios of a few Privates of the missing squad, there was gunshots and a few people yelling. We can only assume that the squad was killed by the traitors. Sparrow is still MIA, despite being spotted actively in the city. Klein Drones don't alert us to her presence because she's actively deployed as a Spectre. Han Geong has also been spotted with Sparrow. According to audio that our drones have gotten, he's now known by Disciple. Dev is operating with the group too, which is confusing considering that Dev is wanted in the country of Ochron for many high crimes, including but not limited to treason, murder, grand theft, and sedition. If Sparrow trusts him, I trust him, but I probably won't be seeing him any time soon. The group has been hell for us to track and has been hell for enemy forces. The Spanish and Italian forces that were assaulting France branched off and went to secure other key-points in France. I was about to launch the rockets from my chopper to eliminate the White Mask threat in the Eiffel Tower, but I got a lock-on warning.

Alpha 2-2: Chives, get the hell out of there! They have a missile truck!

Chives: It's locked onto me! We can't lose this sector!

I saw four rockets launch from a truck and fired my flares. The missiles were diverted and struck other locations or blew up in the air. I got another lock-on warning and closed my eyes while pressing launch. I launched my entire payload, twelve rockets, into the Eiffel Tower. The sound of metal crunching after the explosion settled was what I heard. I couldn't see the tower because of the dust and dirt thrown about by the rockets. I heard the snap and the eerie noise of the tower creaking. Suddenly, it came into view through the cloud. It's falling, toward me.

Chives: For Ochron.

Alpha 2-2: For Ochron.

Alpha 2-2 was stationed nearby and was the scout of my squad. We've been the only ones active on the radio as to not cause communications issues, but now, Alpha 2-3 broke silence.

Alpha 2-3: For Ochron.

Alpha 2-4: For Ochron.

Alpha 2-5: For Ochron.

I continued to hear each of my squad-mates echo the phrase as the tower enclosed on me as the large piece of metal crashed down onto my flying vessel. It struck the middle and back, not the cockpit. I'm dead, aren't I?

Chives: Capture the sect-

Alpha 2-2
10 December 2023
Paris, France
Operation Hellstorm

Chives: Capture the sect-

The Eiffel Tower hit the ground with the loudest noise I've ever heard. It threw more dirt and dust up, causing a mini sandstorm. I was deployed in Afghanistan a few years ago and never saw or heard or experienced anything like this. Chives's helicopter isn't in the air anymore, it got hit by the falling tower. As dirt began to settle slightly, I saw three silhouettes on a rooftop. I pulled my binoculars up to my eyes and saw the one of the three, it's Sparrow. A second person came to Sparrow's side and the third appeared at her other side. Disciple and Dev. Do I shoot? Do I approach? I wasn't trained for this. I'm definitely paid enough for this though.

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