Chapter 24: EKIA

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A/N: In the next few chapters, things will get pretty messed up. If you're easily offended, please stop reading here. None of the opinions necessarily reflect my own. If you're not comfortable with reading things about racism, abuse, hate speech, etc, stop reading reading my story. This is me warning you. Once again, the opinions do not necessarily reflect my own. Stay safe, everyone.

Grace "Dokkaebi" Nam
27 November 2023
Rhineland, Germany

I've been awake in my tent for half an hour just trying to track Wrath. The tracker he had was left in the building so that's unable to be used. I could go grab it and try to do something with it. It's no use. We should check the building that we found for any other information. Wait, the coordinates on the paper that Wrath left. I haven't looked at it yet. I was about to type the coordinates in, but I got a random ping from a Russian device. It was in Koblenz, Germany at the Bundeswehrkrankenhaus, or to simplify it, the military hospital. Then, the device started moving. I zoomed in the map and found four other devices almost right next to the first Russian device. These devices are Polish, telling me it's the Ghosts. I tried connecting to the Polish devices and found another device right on top of the Russian tracker. I connected to it and found out that it's a body camera. This person had a view of something that I didn't like to see; bodies everywhere, very fucked up and mutilated. The holder of this camera turned out to be Wrath. The four Ghosts were all covered in blood and I assumed Wrath was as well. They were out in the middle of nowhere Germany at this point because of how long it took me to connect in.

Ela: What are you doing, Grace?

Grace: I found Wrath.

Ela: You what?

Grace: He's fine. Massacred some Russians.

Ela: Show me.

Ela took a squat next to me and looked at the screen of my tablet.

Ghost: Your camera is being viewed.

Wrath: They found us.

The Ghosts laughed a little bit and Wrath took the camera off of his vest after a few clicks.

Wrath: Now, Ela. I know you're angry, I know you're worried. I know you're looking for me. Do not come after me. We are uncovering something that could change the war. Accéder à la chaîne soixante-dix. Je t'aime.

Wrath dropped the camera on the floor and stomped it out. The other cameras' signals went out not long after.

Ela: Can you translate what he said at the end?

Grace: My tablet should be able to.

Ela: Try.

I took the audio from Wrath speaking and translated it to English.

Tablet Speaker: Go to channel seventy.

Grace: You heard my tablet.

Ela connected to radio channel seventy and pressed the side of her radio in.

Ela: Jun?

Wrath: Hey, Ela.

Ela: Who else is on this channel?

Wrath: No one. It's just us. Before you say anything else, I'm sorry. This is necessary. I'll explain everything when we get back.

Ela: Jun, where are you right now?

Wrath: I can't tell you that.

Ela didn't have to tell me to track Wrath, I just did. The hack got stopped at a random time for some reason.

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