Chapter 12: Deviation

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Elzbieta "Ela" Bosak
6 January 2023
Hereford Base, England

I saw that the world terror list was updated. I opened it expecting the White Masks to be back on top. Instead, Delta was gone from the list and Coalition Pact of Change was at the top. I immediately walked to Six's office and knocked on the door. After getting the confirmation to come in, I took a seat across from him.

Ela: How can the CPC be a terrorist organization?

Six: They are associated with Wrath.

Ela: But how do you mark two entire nations as a terrorist organization?

I rose my voice. I was upset. I stood up.

Six: Take a seat. And do not raise your voice.

Ela: I'll sit down when you explain!

Six: You will have to leave my office then.

Ela: Not until you explain.

Six: Guards!

Two guards removed me from Six's office and released me in the hallway.

Jun "Wrath" Geong
8 January 2023
Ghost Squadron Training Facility

With our new recruit arriving to the training facility, we got her settled in. This is the first female that will be in Ghost Squadron. Alexa doesn't count. She's Polish, comes from the GROM, and just deserted from Team Rainbow. Elzbieta Bosak, more known as Ela, had arrived. I quickly found that she wasn't a force to be reckoned with. Dash was off with the Ghosts in their quarters. Elzbieta was nearly skilled enough to beat one of us, Delta.

As we approached the Ghost quarters, one noticed us and jumped to his feet.

Yusef: Dowódca! (Commander!)

The rest of the Ghosts quickly stood and awaited me to speak.

Wrath: We have a new Ghost joining us.

Elzbieta: Jestem Elżbieta Bosak, mów mi Ela. (I'm Elzbieta Bosak, call me Ela.)

After introductions, I took Elzbieta to get her uniform.

Elzbieta: With all due respect, I'm not wearing the mask.

Wrath: We'll put the patch on your hat then.

Elzbieta: Sounds good.

Wrath: Your sister, Zofia, is missing, yes?

Elzbieta: Yes. She went missing in Warsaw.

Wrath: She's currently held at a POW encampment. Would you like to visit?

Elzbieta: I would love to.

We got Elzbieta her new uniform. It wasn't a standard Ghost uniform. We wanted to honor the fact that she was the first female Ghost.

(Just imagine Ela's default uniform with a skull patch on the hat and a darker shirt.)

After getting Elzbieta equipped, we took her to the remote prison encampment.

The Ghosts there all saluted as we drove in and stopped. I scanned my card and the large titanium door slowly swung open to reveal the second door. The second door requires a different card. Generally, Alexa would walk to my left and Dallas to my right. This time, Alexa to my left and Elzbieta to my right. Dallas was behind us with Dash. Our personal group of Ghosts took up different locations to provide locational security. As we went through many searches and security protocols, Elzbieta seemed either anxious or worried.

Wrath: Something wrong?

Elzbieta: I'm good.

I dismissed it at that and approached the cells.

Elzbieta "Ela" Bosak
8 January 2023
POW Encampment, [REDACTED]

I approached a block of cells and heard so familiar voices talking. 

Zofia: It's pretty nice here actually. I was trashing it the other day, but it's pretty nice.

Eliza: Honestly, yeah. I wouldn't say I like it, but I like it.

Dash: It's quiet time, inmates!

Wrath: Inmate three, step to the door! Inmate two, step back!

Eliza stood and leaned against the wall of the cell and Zofia walked to the bars. I wasn't in sight as Wrath scanned a card and his eye to open the door.

Banshee: Step out of the cell.

Nova: No sudden movements, you know the drill.

I was now in view as Zofia walked out of her cell. The door closed automatically behind her and she stopped right where she was. She had been MIA for two weeks. We hugged one another for what felt like two hours, but was only actually fifteen seconds.

Zofia: Why are you here?

I took my hat off and pointed to the Ghost patch on it.

Zofia: You. You joined these assholes?

Ghost: We could just transfer you to general population so you can be killed by other inmates.

Ela: For Poland.

Zofia: Poland isn't the Poland we were raised in.

Ela: No, it's not. It's a better Poland.

Zofia: I can't believe this.

Ela: You'll understand eventually.

Zofia: You can't do this.

Ela: But I have to. For the greater good of Poland... And this world.

Zofia: So you join terrorists?

Ela: They aren't terrorists. Say it again and I'll scalp you.

Wrath: None of that is necessary.

I talked with Zofia for a few minutes and got her to understand. She told Delta everything they wanted to know and was put back in her cell.

Zofia: I love you.

Ela: I love you too, Zo.

I was given the offer to stay, but declined it and left with Delta and the small group of Ghosts. The Ghosts were extremely disciplined and very well-trained. I wasn't happy for what was in store during training. Dash, the only Spectre of the Coalition Pact of Change, was always with Delta. If Delta split up for any reason, Dash stayed with Wrath. Dash was smaller and I assumed he had his nickname for being fast. Back at the training facility, I went to where the rest of the Ghosts were at.

Philip: Ela, hand to hand.

Ela: Let's do it.

I saw the looks that told me I would lose, but I went for it.

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