Chapter 28: Not My Comrade

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Alexa "Banshee" Logan
5 December 2023
Ghost Headquarters, Berlin

Soviet: My mission? To kill you. My name? Geong. Han Geong.

Banshee: Stop lying. What is your name?

Soviet: I'm not! Han Geong is my name!

Banshee: So you're related to Wrath?

Soviet: I don't know. I don't know anything about my childhood.

Banshee: How do you know nothing of childhood?

Soviet: There's conflicting thoughts and memories. I'll tell you anything about the Soviets.

Banshee: What's their next plan?

Soviet: Since I surrendered and five agents are dead, they're going to send another cell. Comrade Kelikov is going to be the lead.

Banshee: Who is Kelikov?

Soviet: Comrade Kelikov is a long time friend of mine. He's a KGB Agent like me.

Banshee: What does he look like?

Soviet: I can give you access to the files of the KGB.

Banshee: How?

Soviet: In my brief case, there's a laptop. I need it.

Banshee: One wrong move and you're dead.

I am trusting a KGB Agent right now. I'm stupid, aren't I? Anyways, I untied one wrist from this Geong brother. I still don't believe him. I'll believe him if he shows me a document with the name. I set the laptop in front of the Soviet and he used his free hand to navigate and type.

Soviet: Here you can see the files. Do you speak Russian?

Banshee: No.

Soviet: I will translate then. Here there is the file for Comrade Kelikov. His name here. The other personal details are censored for national security. I know everything about him however. I'm making a mistake showing you this.

Banshee: What mistake?

Soviet: They're going to see the files were accessed from here and launch a full invasion.

Banshee: Which is not good.

I tied the Soviet's wrist and took the laptop with me when I left.

Spectre: Ma'am, Wrath has requested your presence in Sector 2.

Banshee: Got it.

I met with Jun in Sector 2 and gave him the laptop.

Jun: What is this?

Banshee: The Soviet's laptop. He told me his name.

Jun: What is it?

Banshee: Han Geong.

Jun: What's the last name?

Banshee: Geong.

Jun closed the laptop and sprinted back to the TC.

Soviet: Hello.

Jun: So your name is Han Geong?

Soviet: Yes.

Jun: And you know my name.

Soviet: There is no connection.

Jun: Han, they've brainwashed you.

Soviet: The Soviets have done nothing such.

Jun: You were kidnapped by communists as a child, Han. You're my brother.

Soviet: I was born into a communist family.

Jun: Those aren't your memories.

Soviet: I grew up best friends with Comrade Kelikov.

Jun: Kelikov?

Soviet: Yes.

Jun: Kelikov is the best at brainwashing in the world, Han.

Soviet: I grew up with Kelikov.

Jun: No you didn't. You most likely spent time in a work camp then you were put in the KGB.

Jun talked with his brother for hours and Han Geong finally pulled through and broke out of the false memories.

Han Geong: The Soviets need to fall. I know how to make it happen.

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