Chapter 14: The Price To Pay

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Elzbieta "Ela" Bosak
15 February 2023

I was in for over a month at that point, getting brought up to a Spectre after a few weeks. We had minor skirmishes with Team Rainbow, but nothing with any other countries... Yet. I rose above Dash, the other Spectre, and managed to beat Banshee. This resulted in me being invited to Delta. I gladly accepted and was brought in. For being so called terrorists, they were very nice people. I was know able to call them by their actual names which made me feel at home.

In the last month, Liechtenstein, Austria, and Germany all turned to our side. All the countries, now called states, opened their borders and allowed free travel of troops and citizens. People are still German or Austrian, but they're also a citizen of the Coalition Pact of Change. I needed some sort of signature to my uniform, like Jun's red face paint stripe. I chose face paint as well and used green. The design was a skull. Like Taina, back in Rainbow, except my skull is green. I guess Alexa's signature is the wolf pelt around her shoulders.

Ela: We need a superpower on our side. England, Russia, America, any superpower and we win.

Jun: I've been talking with our Russian neighbor. Putin isn't trustworthy. I'm thinking about having Russia unofficially join us, take out a hostile superpower, and we can wipe Russia out while they're weak.

Ela: Did you hear about what's happening over in America?

Alexa: I haven't.

Ela: They're killing each other there because of the CPC. The People's Representative political party has gained support, but others are fighting it. They're in a full blown civil war.

Dallas: What's the People's Representative party?

Ela: They heavily support and believe in our ways.

Jun: If they come out on top, we have a superpower.

Ela: America is split into a few right now. We've got the United States of America, the Texan Republic, the Great Plains Revolutionists, and the Socialist Pacific Territories. The Great Plains Revolutionists are currently in support of us, so is the Texan Republic. The United States of America and the Socialist Pacific Territories have their own ideas and are duking it out. The other two are just waiting.

I poured myself a glass of water and sipped at it

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I poured myself a glass of water and sipped at it.

Alexa: Thing is, I don't know that we want America. Too many people, they're too just in their current government.

Ela: Why don't we focus on Europe for now?

Jun: I agree.

Dallas: Yeah, same here.

Alexa: That would make sense.

Jun: So, currently we're gaining support in Belgium and Denmark. The Netherlands said "fuck you" practically and the people aren't having it. We're likely to turn those three. I would like to get Czechia, but they are worrying about their own shit right now.

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