Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Wrath: Alexa, hit 'em. Dallas, get the right.

Alexa: Alright.

Dallas: Got it.

I took the center and we rained gas down upon our hostiles, the White Masks. I saw, through the windows, White Masks suffocating and falling to the floor. The guards outside were fortunate enough to get Alexa's gas so they died pretty quickly.

Wrath: Masks on, let's move.

We all had modified gas masks to stop Alexa's gas which was nice. As we began to move up, a helicopter hovered above the area for several minutes.


Ash: The hell?

Doc: No one open the doors.

Dokkaebi: What the fuck is this?

Doc: It's Delta.

Kali: Hold, I'll look at the area.

Kali looked at the surrounding area and pointed at the hilltop nearby.

Ash: Anything?

Kali: There.

She pointed to a spot of vegetation on the hilltop and I saw three silhouettes. One had a grenade launcher so I knew that was Wrath and one had long hair so I knew that was Banshee.

Kali: I don't have a clear shot.

Doc: Jager, get us back quickly.

Banshee POV

Banshee: They just left?

Jun: Probably don't have gas masks.

Dallas: I guess we can go grab those documents now.

The White Masks had documents containing information about Team Rainbow and ourselves. Those two things made the documents very important to us so we went after them. The inside of the compound had the same amount of gas as the outside, but none of mine seeped in.

White Mask: They're coming!

Jun: They must have gas masks.

Banshee: I'll take care of this.


Ash: Delta got there first. We couldn't get in because of the gas. The documents are surely in their hands, ma'am.

Six: I'll take care of this. Dismissed. Those terrorists won't walk this Earth a month longer. 

I got in contact with the GIGN and had them brief a team on Delta since they were in France at the time. Jun Geong, Dallas Logan, and Alexa Logan will come to an end. Those terrorists will not live any longer. Two teams of my Operators and five teams of the GIGN will enclose on Delta's compound. No one knew it, but I knew exactly where Delta's France compound was. We will secure the documents and bring the reign of Jun "Wrath" Geong to an end. Many have questioned "How are they terrorists? They haven't harmed any noncombatant targets."

Section 2332 of U.S. Code 18C113B that terrorism is an act that "is calculated to influence or affect the conduct of government by intimidation or coercion, or to retaliate against government conduct," and is also a violation of any number of prohibited acts, including: "killing or attempted killing during an attack on a Federal facility with a dangerous weapon," and "killing or attempted killing of officers and employees of the United States."

My recruit was coming from the United States. He was a Federal employee; therefore, those responsible for killing him, Delta, are terrorists. Jun "Wrath" Geong is the unofficial leader of Delta; therefore, making him our main target. The second and third in command, Dallas "Nova" Logan and Alexa "Banshee" Logan, are also priority targets. If we take those three down, it dismantles Delta. We don't know when or if Delta is to obtain another member or members. If Delta grows, they will be more dangerous to the world than the White Masks. Mass production of Banshee's gas could bring the world to an end. Only those of Delta could live through it. No one else on the planet has access to gas masks capable of stopping the gas. I placed Delta at number two on the world terror list, right underneath the White Masks. I placed Delta very high in the caution list, beating the White Masks. These lists were public so anyone could view them. I knew that Delta would see this soon and possibly begin harming my Operators... Or possibly kill them. After turning the intercom on, I spoke over it.

Six: All Operators to the meeting hall.

The meeting hall was connected to my office through a door so I just stepped in there. One by one and sometimes in groups, my Operators filled the meeting hall.

Six: As you all know, Delta is a threat to international security. I have placed them at number two on the world terror list. If you see them anywhere, shoot on site. I want their dog tags. Bring them to me. From  here on out, proceed with extreme caution during any mission. Even if on recon, be extremely cautious. I will be dishing out heavy disciplinary punishments for careless operating. Does everyone understand?

All: Yes, ma'am.

Six: Dismissed.

Everyone filed out of the doors and resumed their previous activities. When I returned to my office, I heard a knock at the door.

Six: Come in.

The large oak door swung open with a squeak and revealed Dokkaebi.

Dokkaebi: Ma'am, I found something on Delta.

Six: Show me.

Dokkaebi: They were spotted by security cameras yesterday in an abandoned warehouse. Wrath had a hostage, I don't know if it was a White Mask or not.

Dokkaebi slid her tablet across my desk to me and I pressed play on the footage. Wrath was dragging a man and the other two members of Delta were escorting. This hostage wasn't a White Mask or even a soldier of any military. It was one of our informants - Julien Nomal. Wrath placed Nomal in a chair that was bolted to the floor. He tied Nomal around the wrists and ankles. I thought that was it, but he also tied Nomal around the neck so he couldn't move at all. The camera was too far away so I couldn't hear what anyone was saying unless they yelled which happened at some points.

Julien Nomal: Please!

Wrath: Answer my question!

Wrath drove a large knife through Nomal's hand and twisted it slowly, making Nomal scream.

Julien Nomal: Fuck you!

Banshee: Answer the question!

Nova: Answer the question and leave here alive!

Wrath beat and tortured Julien Nomal for several minutes with jumper cables, blowtorches, knives, shooting him in the knees, and waterboarding.

Julien Nomal: Okay! Okay! I'll talk! Just stop!

Nomal quieted his voice so I couldn't hear what he said, but it took him a few minutes to get it all out. Wrath drew his pistol from his holster and shoved the barrel into Nomal's forehead.

Julien Nomal: You said I would live!

Wrath: Terrorists lie. You should know this.

Wrath pulled the trigger and Nomal's head moved backwards. After chunks of bone and flesh mixed with blood flew out the back of Nomal's head, it slumped forward.

Wrath turned around and flipped the bird to the camera. All three of them did. That means they knew the camera was there and that they wanted us to find this.

Six: Where did you find this?

Dokkaebi: It was given to us from an anonymous tip.

Six: It had to have been them. No one else would've found the footage.

Dokkaebi: I tracked the location it was sent from. A cargo ship in the Pacific Ocean.

Six: Do you have a current location on it?

Dokkaebi: It's docked at a small village in Australia. I looked in with satellite imagery. The locals are scared of Delta, but there's an armed militia.

Six: Delta is arming them?

Dokkaebi: Affirm, ma'am. The militia also gave Wrath a file and a person. This person seems to be a civilian, but I'm not sure. Delta has a compound in the village.

Six: Understood. Pack your bags, you're heading out on a team. Dismissed.

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