Chapter 33: Scars Of The Past

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Han "Disciple" Geong
10 December 2023
Paris, France

We've been in a safehouse for a few hours, resting for the night. As you can guess, the fighting hasn't stopped. The civilians haven't stopped fearing everyone. There's some civvies at this safehouse and they trust us, they trust us to keep them safe. I plan on keeping them safe. They can't control their government in a country like France.

Sparrow: Hey, Dev! We got a fucking disciple over here.

Han: Fuck you, Sparrow.

It may be war time, but we need to stay cheerful.

Dev: Disciple.

Han: Fuck you too, Dev.

???: Avez-vous entendu que?

??? 2: Ils sont par ici, nous les avons trouvés! Les Allemands!

Han: What are they saying?

Sparrow: They know we're here. It's French Special Forces.

Dev: They're not gonna spare the civvies.

Han: Everyone out now! Number Two!

A little kid hugged me as he and his parents got close. He also hugged Sparrow and Dev. Before the French could bust in, the civvies were out and we were in the process. I was the last out the window and the door came crashing down from the hinges before I could get out.

Operator: Feu!

A few bullets dug into the plate in the back of my vest. I recoiled from the shock and force. This caused me to recoil and twist while losing my grip on the window sill. It's a five meter drop. Sparrow and Dev are about three meters out of the way. As I fell the distance, time slowed and I saw down the hill... The sheer terror and devastation, the families ruined and ripped apart... All caused by war... But war is necessary sometimes... Is it though? I don't have time to contemplate whether war is good or bad. I fight wars, I don't start them, I don't stop them.

Dev: Disciple!

Sparrow: Fuck!

Dev: Get him, I'll cover you!

Time sped back up to normal speed and I slammed into the ground. My 44 kilogram backpack crushed me, which hurt on top of a five meter fall. Sparrow grabbed me and connected a pull cord between my vest and hers. I reached out and wrapped my fingers around the sling of my AK, tugging to bring the rifle to me. The thing is pretty damn heavy when it's loaded. I'm also weak, considering I just got shot four times in the back and fell five meters. I definitely have some broken ribs. I'm one lucky asshole if I don't. I can't really feel much pain right now because of the adrenaline, but I'm weak.

French: Tuez les salauds!

Sparrow: They're gonna shoot! Watch the window!

Dev had crazy insane reaction time and turned to the window as a French Special Forces Operator looked out.

Dev: One down!

French: Robert est touché!

American Male: Oh, Geong!

Sparrow: Dev, keep firing!

Sparrow continued to drag me along, a blood trail forming.

Jun "Wrath" Geong
10 December 2023
Paris, France

Han and Sparrow are still MIA. We're crushing the French. The citizens aren't resisting for the most part.

Ela: Hey, do you see that?

Wrath: Where?

Ela: 4 'o clock.

I looked over and saw a purple flare. All Ghost Squads are given a purple flare to signal distress.

Alexa: Distress signal.

Wrath: Both of you geared?

Ela: Yep.

Alexa: Affirm.

Wrath: Let's move.

I racked my rifle and let it hang from my sling.

Wrath: Roads are blocked. Looks like half a click, we gotta leg it.

Alexa: Let's move. I'll take point.

A few minutes of dodging abandoned cars and running down empty streets later, we got to the distress signal.

Alexa: Oh, Mein Gott.

Wrath: Oh, mon Dieu.

Ela: O, mój Boże.

Twelve Ghosts in this squad, eleven bodies. Where's the twelve? The bodies aren't normal. A human couldn't do this. I wouldn't have the mindset or will to do this to a human body.

Wrath: Fucking Christ.

Ela: What happened here?

Alexa: It looks like a pack of fucking wolves showed up.

Ela: I'm gonna puke.

Wrath: Secure the perimeter, I'll check what's left of the bodies.

When I said "what's left of the bodies," that was accurate.

Han "Disciple" Geong
10 December 2023
Safehouse, Paris, France

Here I sit, in an abandoned Ghost Field Bunker. This place was very recently used. There's still a pot of boiling water over a flame with food in it. I got to looking around and pulled a few large pieces of paper out of shelf. They were maps of Europe and America. This isn't just a Field Bunker. This is Delta's Command Bunker and I'm standing in the War Room. I'm now known as Disciple, thanks to Sparrow and Dev.

Disciple: Hey, guys! This is the Field Command Bunker.

Sparrow: What?

Disciple: Come here and look.

I found plans for attacks and where all the Ghost Squads were deployed to and an audio recorder. Let's play it.

Ghost: Ambush. South of the Eiffel Tower. *Panting* I'm hit... Seven times. Everyone else is dead. White Masks... Attack... on the Tower... Heavy gear..... High grade... Explosives... *Banging* They're here. I have seven bullets left. For the legacy... For... Ochron... *Door breaks open* Verdammte Bastarde! *Seven gunshots* I got four... *One gunshot and a ripping noise*

Disciple: The White Masks killed a squad of Ghosts?

Sparrow: They've been in the shadows for far too long. They were training.

Dev: They never went into the shadows...

Sparrow: What?

Dev: They live with us. They blend into our daily lives. They know everything.

Sparrow: What did you smoke?

Dev: The White Masks are more powerful than ever. I know their main compound like the back of my hand. Remember when I went off the grid for a few years?

Sparrow: Yeah.

Dev: I was with them. I was training with them. I was teaching them. I joined them. The new gear they have, it's because of me. The explosives, it's because of me. The power, is because of me... It's all because of me.

Elzbieta "Malutki" Bosak
10 December 2023
Paris, France

We stumbled upon an old house while on a patrol and Jun stopped dead in his tracks. I tried tugging him along, but he was planted.

Ela: Hey. We need to move, come on.

Jun stared at the house and I saw pain on his face. Jun took a deep breath and blew it out, while checking the ammo of his rifle.

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