Chapter 29: Unpredicted Hostiles

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Midas "Texas" Frebil
5 December 2023
New York City, USA

Gupil PMC is an American private military company that withholds the values and constitution of the USA. Ochron is our most hated country. It's time to ship out. There's three of us... But the three of us get shit done. There's me, Dutch, and Weaver.

I'm the lead. We're shipping over to a remote area in Germany to set up an HQ. There's other private militaries that work alongside the armed forces of Ochron. These PMCs will be extremely hostile towards us. We're good. We're damn good. We can make a difference and bring Ochron down. They're fighting a two front war, just like Germany in both World Wars, but Ochron has support. We've got this. It took a while, but we landed in Germany and got our shit set up.

Texas: Alright. We're headed into Berlin to look for any private contractors working for Ochron.

As we got close to the Ghost HQ, Dutch pointed across the street to a large building.

Dutch: Look there! Those are private contractors if I've ever seen any.

Texas: Weaver, get a picture.

Holt: Holy shit. Look at the end of the road!

There was a group of contractors and Ghosts on either side of the road. Traffic cones were in the road and a contractor was standing in the middle. He stopped us as we drove up and walked to the window.

Contractor: ID.

Texas: Don't have it.

Contractor: Name.

Texas: What is this?

Contractor: A checkpoint. What's your name, American?

Texas: Texas.

Contractor: Full name.

Texas: Texas Dallas.

The contractor walked back to the middle of the road and said something to a Ghost. Two contractors went to either side of our car and two Ghosts rose their rifles.

Contractor: Step out of the vehicle.

Texas: I'm okay.

Contractor: You're being detained, step out now!

I don't have a choice here. There's a roadblock in front of us. How did they deploy a roadblock so quickly? There's also a little drone pointed at me. I think that's the Klein drones that have been all over American news.

Texas: Okay, okay.

I didn't get out. I acted like I was going to, but pulled a pistol instead.

Contractor: Gewehr!

Everyone at the checkpoint focused on our vehicle.

Texas: Open fire!

Fred Hanzinburg
5 December 2023
North Berlin Checkpoint

Fred: Gewehr!

Texas: Open fire!

Suddenly, all four of the Americans had pistols drawn. I'm in the direct line of sight, which means I'm about to get shot. Thankfully, my reaction time is good. I backed my ass up while firing into the vehicle. The Klein drone let out small bursts of its machine gun. Every bullet landed on the vehicle. The Americans got out of the situation by speeding off.

Fred: Grey Ford Taurus. Four Americans. Northbound. Towards the next checkpoint.

The next checkpoint will be ready. These Americans won't escape. They'll be killed on sight.

Jun "Wrath" Geong
5 December 2023
Ghost Headquarters, Berlin

I was given news of the checkpoint incident. These Americans were recorded by the Sicherheit Contractor's helmet camera. You may be thinking; Didn't Sicherheit fall when their contractors were killed? Well yes, but actually no. Versuchen faked his death. The others were actually killed however. Versuchen and his explosive drones are still alive.

A/N: This is from another story of mine "Sicherheit (A Rainbow Six Siege Story)" You do not have to read that story to understand what's going to be happening. Just know, Sicherheit was a PMC. They were "killed" in an Operation gone wrong. Versuchen (the main character) faked his death.

Versuchen operated as a lone wolf for a few years until the CPC was formed. Then, he popped up and rebuilt Sicherheit to join us. Instead of a few contractors, Sicherheit reformed in the thousands. We have support. Versuchen himself is very close to me, personally. We both understand what it feels like to lose people. He lost a child and wife; I lost parents. Versuchen's loss is much worse than mine, but we still relate nonetheless. Out of respect, we call each other by our codenames.

Wrath: These Americans... They're a PMC.

Versuchen: Elaborate.

Wrath: They're an American PMC that withstands the US Constitution heavily. They're extremely hostile.

Versuchen: Great. How many?

Wrath: Just the three. Don't let their size get to you, they're hard assholes.

Sicherheit's new uniforms are pretty cool, also very expensive. They have money though. These contractors aren't just contractors, they're dedicated and determined. Sicherheit is like a branch of the Ghosts.

I found something out... France just launched an invasion. Good luck. Time to mobilize a few thousand troops, most of the Ghosts, Delta, and Sicherheit. I'll be on the front lines. Let's move out.

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