Chapter 7: A Big Problem

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Timur POV

Jordan: Whiskey!

Timur: Vodka!

Jordan: Are you all okay?

Seamus: I got injured, but I am fine.

Gustave: Let me take a look.

Jordan: We barely escaped Delta.

Mike: Indeed.

Wrath POV

We knew more Operators would soon show up so we dipped. We left Australia and went on over to Belgium. We can run forever. We can kill forever. They can't catch us. We're ghosts. I don't agree with the fact that we're considered terrorists. We just have a different way of accomplishing our goals.  School teaches to chase your goals. We're just doing that. Are you proud, school? Are you happy with what came out of that building? Are you happy with what you produced? Are you the problem? I think so.

Wrath: We will find them.

Dallas: I'm loaded up!

Alexa: Same here.

Wrath: 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Mark!

Dallas kicked the doors open and we hopped out. Due to the armor suits we had on,  we were fine.

I fired two of my shots with my grenade launcher and the guards at the front were all killed quickly

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I fired two of my shots with my grenade launcher and the guards at the front were all killed quickly. We left those who weren't dead to suffocate and broke the front windows out to get inside.

Wrath: Left, right!

I fired another two grenades of gas and the majority of the guards were exterminated. Those who weren't had gas masks on.

Wrath: Banshee.

Alexa dispersed her gas which needed a special gas mask to block which only we had.

Guard: Run!

Many guards began to run up the escalators of this building, but they didn't make it up.  They were shot in the back. We fought our way to the third floor where the target was - Yulip "Des" Guder. Guder was hiding in a closet.

Wrath: You think you could hide?

Guder: Please! Please!

Yumiko POV

Guder was found dead in his hotel compound. A Rainbow informant was killed by Delta. Guder wasn't the only one there. Other informants were as well, but Guder was the only killed. Delta went right by other informants, but didn't kill them. One of the informants said they exchanged words. Not in English, Delta responded in a foreign language. The only informant even harmed was Guder. I don't understand. We had a team there, but they were knocked out of the fight via the gas. Ela was the closest one to the gas while the others were farther away, safe from it. Ela breathed some in and wouldn't have died, but she said something interesting.

Ela: Wrath... He... gave me a gas..

Yumiko: What?

Ela: Yeah.

Ela still wasn't perfectly fine. She would've been dead without the mask. Wrath saved her life. She was sitting against a wall so I grabbed her hand and pulled her up. As I did this, I noticed something. A small camera. Maybe a quarter the size of a Black Eye. It had a very small orange light in the center.

Yumiko: Go to the medics.

Ela: That's where I'm headed.


I don't understand. Wrath, the terrorist, the murderer, the criminal, the number one most dangerous person, saved my life. He said something in a language that wasn't familiar to me and tossed me a gas mask. Without it, I would've died not three seconds later.

Ela: I don't... Understand.

I inhaled enough of the gas to do some damage so I was being exempted from missions for a week or longer. I just don't understand.

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