Chapter 32: Operation Party Crasher

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Elzbieta "Malutki" Bosak
9 December 2023
FOB Jaguar

Jun: Two days ago, we lost contact with Spectre, now known as Sparrow, and her team. Han went to search for the team, we lost contact with him as well. In our last radio conversation, he mentioned that Sparrow is now operating with someone by the name of Dev. After digging, I found some information and assembled a bio on Dev as well as Sparrow. Dev and Sparrow have been spotted via surveillance systems across the eastern border of France. They leave no survivors and are well aware when they are seen by a camera. The times they've been seen, they made it purposeful. We have a location on their last appearance... Paris. The French are dug in over there, they think they can't lose their capital. Let's teach them wrong. Gear up, Ghosts. Operation Party Crasher is a go.

The Ghosts shuffled out of the room and into their respective barracks spaces. I stayed in the room with Jun because we were both already geared up.

Jun: You hear the vote passed?

Ela: It passed the Council or the Public?

Jun: Both.

Ela: So you're the Director of Ochron?

Jun: I sure am.

Ela: You shouldn't be fighting then.

Jun: Nothing will change, I'm not a coward. I'm fighting.

Avali "Sparrow" Hwa
9 December 2023
Paris, France

I'm not a Ghost anymore. I'm not a Spectre anymore. I'm not an Ochron Soldier or Operator. I work with Dev, we work alone. I won't shoot a Ghost or Ochron Soldier unless Dev or myself are fired upon. Dev is wanted in Ochron, for a lot of things that shouldn't be illegal. Those things could jeopardize Dev's identity so we don't talk about them. I will withhold Ochron's ways and reign terror down upon our hostiles. That's one good thing about not being part of a military, you don't have to follow rules... Especially if the country you're fighting for doesn't care. I love Ochron and I will fight for it, but I prefer not to be in the military. I guess you would say I'm a mercenary? But I'm not fighting for the money, I don't know.

Dev: Sparrow, look at the eastern horizon.

We were standing on the roof of a skyscraper so we had a pretty good view. The Eiffel Tower was in sight, but we had to turn away from it to view the eastern horizon. I saw helicopters, a lot of helicopters.

Dev: And look down too.

I adjusted my head down slowly and saw a lot of military vehicles, most of which had a flag of Ochron flying. This is a full on invasion. How did they penetrate the border so easily?

Dev: And slightly up.

Above the convoys, hundreds of Klein drones. Above the Klein drones, Armata Warkot flew with the Ochron flag trailing behind it.

A large Zeppelin-like airship flew above all and a big loudspeaker sounded on the underside of it

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A large Zeppelin-like airship flew above all and a big loudspeaker sounded on the underside of it.

Loudspeaker: Civilians of Paris, do not resist or you face possible death... Soldiers of Paris, drop your weapons and surrender and you will be spared... Civilians of Paris, do not resist or you face possible death... Soldiers of Paris, drop your weapons and surrender and you will be spared...

This kept repeating as the troops enclosed on Paris.

Dev: West as well.

Sparrow: And south.

Dev: Looks like Spanish forces west.

Sparrow: Mein Gott, Italian south east. We need to get out of Paris.

Dev: We can stay and fight.

Sparrow: You're wanted, Dev.

Dev: I can evade them. We're helping your brothers-in-arms.

Sparrow: The drones, Dev. They scan your identity.

Dev: Fuck it, I'll kill a Ghost. I don't care.

Sparrow: You can't kill the entirety of the Ochron Military, Dev.

Dev: I don't care. Paris needs to fall.

Sparrow: You have the brains, where are we going?

Dev: Down there. 10 'o clock.

Sparrow: Let's get moving.

Dev: Fuck it, I'll take the elevator.

Sparrow: I'm taking the stairs.

Neither of us are wearing our full gear, but we have it partly on. The rest of our gear is in our backpacks. We're both wearing masks as to not reveal ourselves. For some reason, no one has questioned it. Just two Germans walking around, half dressed in combat gear, speaking English. Dev went into the elevator and I took the stairs. A minute later, I heard several gunshots and people screaming.

Sparrow: Fuck.

We're compromised. I ducked into a janitor's closet on the 11th floor and pressed the first clip of my backpack in. Following the click, the two straps dropped limp and my backpack suspended from the second clip. I pressed the two sides in again and the straps dropped. I slipped my left arm through the shoulder strap and slung my 32 kilogram backpack to my right shoulder then down to the floor. I grabbed the zipper from the left side of the backpack and pulled it to the opposite direction. In the second biggest pocket, my ghillie suit and other gear. In the next pocket down, my plate carrier and plate. The biggest pocket holds my broken down MK14 and bow. The small pocket in the front holds my knife. My hat is in the front with my 5.7. It seems like a lot to get on, but I got geared in less than a minute total. I ran out of the janitor's closet, as I finished assembling my MK14. No one was in the hallway or the staircase as I hurried my ass downstairs. I reached the bottom of the stairs and saw two dead French Officers with two more holding Dev at gunpoint. I watched as Dev ducked down, delivered two strikes to an officer's lower stomach, and one in the jiggly bits. I shot the last one as Dev plunged a knife into the other's throat several times. As I reached Dev's location, I heard a zipper-like sound on the outside wall of the building. Then, a click and beep. The wall lit up with a burning-screeching sound that formed a rectangle shape after a few seconds.

Dev: Cover!

I ducked behind the main desk of the reception area and racked the charging handle of my MK14.

Dev: Get ready.

The wall blew open and sent dust and rubble flying everywhere.

American Female: Move in! Find them!

American Male: We're looking for a Spectre, codenamed Sparrow, and a man in all black, codenamed Dev! Shoot on sight!

Dev: Grenade out!

Dev lobbed a 'nade over the desk and it blew up a few seconds later. The room went silent and we used the opportunity to escape.

Sparrow: Smoking!

American Female: Fire!

We just have to go, there's no way around it.

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