the letter

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a/n i'm gonna try and make this one quite sad :)

summary: where louis reads the letter harry wrote him

louis' pov

i find the crinkled paper in my nightstand and flatten it down. i sniffle as i overlook the words my husband left me. i've read this before, but it just makes me hurt worse every time.

louis, if you're reading this, i'm sorry.

i didn't want to die. i didn't mean for it to happen. i didn't want to leave. especially you, i never wanted to leave you.

i love you, loubear. more than anything.

sure, i love vegetables, and cats, and singing - but you. you are the beautiful man i married all those years ago, and even from the grave i still love you.

i love your face; i love holding your chin when you don't want to look at me. i love cradling your jaw when i kiss you. i love your pixie nose and your ocean eyes. if i didn't die from this, i most definitely would've died from your killer cheekbones.

sorry, that was dark.

i love your hair; how it's fluffy in the mornings and how it sticks to your face after sex. i love how it gets ruffled when you're angry, and shaggy when you're sad.

i love your body; i love everything from your head to your toes, you are gorgeous, never forget that. i love your height, even if i tease you about it, i love being able to rest my chin on your head, i love being able to pick you up, i just love love love you. oh yeah, and your penis is cool. :)

my favourite part about you is your personality. how you stand up for what you believe in, how much you love your family, how you laugh at the dumbest shit. louis william tomlinson, you will forever by my favourite person in this galaxy. you are my person.

i like how when i make a funny joke, you tilt your head back and let out the loudest laugh. or maybe you cover your mouth and giggle. when you laugh, your eyes shine brighter and your smile is at it's fullest. please, for me, never stop laughing.

i like how carefree you are, just living in the now, not in the past or the future. you know the weirdest shit, like the fact you told me as i'm writing this, "it's illegal to own just one guinea pig in switzerland." i don't know how you know this crap, but you just do.

i love how you're always late, and act as if everyone else was early.

i love how you let me help you when you're sad, and help me when i'm sad.

i love how you pretend to like my healthy recipes, but i can tell you hate it by the way you hold your breath and over exaggerate your MMmMmMm's.

the point is, i love you louis. i'll never stop.

i don't want to hold you back, i want you to find a new love once i'm gone, because you deserve it. you deserve to be kissed when you feel needy, hugged when you feel lonely, and loved when you feel you need it the most.

you are a perfect person, my love, and anybody would be foolish to turn their back on you. you deserve the world and i'm sorry i couldn't give that to you.

you deserve to see the eiffel tower, with the person you love most. whether that be me or the next person you meet. hopefully not just your dog or a parrot, but as long as you're happy i guess.

you deserve to laugh like everything is the funniest joke; loudly and obnoxiously. except your laugh is anything but obnoxious- it's a melodious tune that i could listen to all day. maybe that's what i'll spend my time doing in heaven, if that's possible - listen to 'louis tomlinson laughing' on repeat.

i love you lou, please don't forget me when i leave.

yours truly,

attached here are the lyrics to the last song i wrote to you; sweet creature. dedicated to you, my one and only.

i'm sobbing. this fucking note destroys me every time. i don't know why i read it, but i do. i don't read it often, just when i'm sad, or need to cry.

"LOUU???" i can hear him calling.

i don't say anything, i don't want him to know i read the letter again; he doesn't like when i read it. he wants me to move on, but he respects how hard that was for me.

"LOUIS WHERE ARE YOU, BUBS?" he yells for me again, this time slightly more worried. i accidentally let out a sob loud enough for him to hear me. 

he comes running up the stairs and barges into our bedroom, "oh my god, lou, you read the letter again," he frowns.

"i'm sorry," i let several tears escape me.

"it's okay. that was three months ago, i'm still here, and i'm not leaving you," the man who wrote the letter, my hazza, my love, my everything, he's still here, and he's holding me in his arms.

"i'm sorry, hazza," i whisper.

"i stayed for you," he soothes. i sniffle and hug him tight, i feel that if i let go he may slip from my grasp once and for all.

i look at harry's head, he has a beanie on so his bald scalp doesn't get cold. the chemotherapy worked a miracle, and harry beat the leukaemia. he didn't leave me like everyone thought he would. even i lost faith. but he fought his way even when he was in immense pain.

"i love you," he leaves a lingering kiss on my hair.

"i love you more," i say with meaning. he sighs and holds me like i'm the most precious thing in the world. because to him, i am.

a/n sorry this one was so short, i don't even know if it's sad.

lmk what you thought of this one, i'm not sure about it.

love you all <3

vote if you enjoyed this chapter please 🧍🏼‍♀️

also fun fact, i have a super long chapter coming up, so stay tUnEd.

1048 words.

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