shared cottage

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a/n nickelodeon actors kiss more passionately than el&l ❤️


be kind to yourself and drink water and have some food today. i love you and i'm very proud of how far you've made it xx


shared cottage; where several different families share the same cottage but just go over different assigned weeks so they don't overlap with each other


summary: harry's family co-owns a shared cottage. something gets messed up with who gets what week and they end up sharing with another family for their week off.

<<this one is a lot fucking longer than i meant for it to be and i'm deeply sorry about that. >>

**i'm going to go through this and add grace/harry translations in the comments of the paragraphs they spoke on so that if you don't understand what they were saying it'll be there.  (this may not make sense now but you'll see :))**

⚠️warnings for mentions of slight eating disorder, homophobia (the f slur is used) and rude ass parents/guardians⚠️


harry's pov


four hours is a long drive, especially when you're sharing the car with your family.

"harry, pass me the crisps," my sister gemma requests from the seat next to me.

"harry, look at this meme i found on facebook," robin, my step-dad turns around from the passenger seat to show me his phone.

"harry, gemma, look at how cute this little town is," mum gawks at the scenery.

i look at robin's minion meme (which isn't even funny, but fake laugh anyways,) then i give gemma the salt and vinegar crisps from beside me.

"yes, mum, it is cute," i agree politely.

i'm going fucking craz-

"look how adorable the church is!" my sister squeaks, nose pressed to her window like a child.

i ignore my family and put my earbuds back in, continuing the movie i downloaded off netflix. i try to get comfy but bags are gathered around my legs, making my gangly limbs numb and stiff. the car starts to smell like gemma's salty crisps and i find myself hungry.

"mum, i'm h-"

"yes, harry we're five minutes away from a mcdonald's, can you wait?"

"yeah, sorry," i mumble.

we're about half the way through the drive and i just want to be there already. the cottage is small, but cute. the outside is covered with dark blue panelling and all the furnishings are wooden and just cottagey. the back porch has a path that leads directly to a dock where you can jump into the lake. it's so calm and i get a lot of alone time, which i appreciate.

"harry, what do you want?" robin asks. i realize we've made it to the fast food restaurant.

"can i get nuggets and a sprite please?"

"sure," he continues to get everyone's orders then he goes inside. mum turns up the radio a bit and makes conversation with us while we wait for the food.

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