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a/n side note, i'm not an expert on many of the things mentioned in this chapter - footie being included. i don't mean to offend anyone if i get something wrong.

*this is only for sammy, but its THE picture bubs ;) - and i know you know some stuff so you shall not spoil anything 😡 this is a threat <3

- this chapter is way longer than any of the other ones i've written so get comfy :)


summary: harry always thought louis was the strong one.

*au. ot5 is all the same age. not famous - i was going off that they were born in 1994

harry's pov

•4 years old

"harry, hurry up," mum calls from downstairs. we're heading to louis' first ever footie game and i'm so excited.

"one minute!" i brush my hair out of my face, desperately trying to finish colouring my poster.

"harry!" she shouts again, just as i set my green crayon back on the floor, grabbing the paper and running downstairs.

"okay, we have to go- gemma help your brother with his shoes," mum rushes around, putting food containers and water bottles into a bag.

"i can put my shoes on myself," i pout, but let gemma help me anyways. i sit on the bench as she ties my laces for me.

"c'mon, we're gonna be late," mum says impatiently. i grab my poster, gemma opening the door for me, and mum following closely behind.

as the car pulls out of the driveway, i admire my poster, go louis! is at the top in colourful lettering, with a drawing of a tiger i made, the mascot of the team he's playing for. i'm a bit nervous, but i know he'll do well.

we arrive at the field and i have my nose pressed to the car window, there's a bunch of kids my age running on a vast green field. most of them are kicking around footballs. i immediately see louis, he has red shorts on and is considerably shorter than the other boys.

a man with a grey hoodie blows a whistle, making parents move to the sidelines and children huddle in. as soon as mum parks the car, i'm forcing myself out and running towards the field.

"harry, don't run please," mum warns. i disregard her comment and find jay on the sidelines, giving her a massive hug when i reach her.

"hey little one," i blush at the nickname she uses for me.

"when louis is all big and tall, i bet he will be playing footie for the rovers," i jump up and down, waving when louis notices me.

"me too," jay smiles.

"hi jay, sorry we're late," mum apologizes, setting down a blanket. i feel guilty for not helping, so i start laying it out, so all of us can sit on it.

"that's okay, you didn't miss anything, we're just starting," jay seats herself on one of her garden chairs, mum sits in the other one.

all the kids on the field take their spots, half the players orange the other half navy blue. lots of the children look lost; picking dandelions, running in circles, cloud gazing. however, louis seems focussed on the game and i'm excited.

"h, do you want a juice box?" gemma nudges me. i nod and take the apple juice.

the referee blows a whistle and everybody on the field starts running around. most of the children don't even know what they're doing, except for a little blonde girl and louis.

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