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a/n so i took a break from writing the long ass chapter to write a poem --- i've written this one in a book so now i have to copy it into wattpad 🪨

harry's pov

my arms are a canvas
for my paintings of strings.
all my bracelets have a meaning,
none are placed without a reason,
none are tied without a care.

i'm 10 years old when i make yours.
it's blue like your eyes
and yellow like the bus you stood before.
you flashed me a smile
and flicked your hair.

i like this bracelet,
the twists of ocean blue
and sunshine yellow
complimenting each other like the sun and the clouds.
i wear it on my wrist proudly,
it lay between the red one from costa rica
and the violet one from my sister.

the start of our friendship stay marked on my arm,
'till a dreadful day in may
when the last thread breaks loose
falling to the rainy pavement.
you hand me my favourite strings,
eyes thoughtfully meeting mine.
still blue. still perfect.

i go home this day in may,
and make a new bracelet.
this one blue like your eyes,
yellow like the sunshine you are,
and pink like the strawberries on your lips.

the three and a half year old blue and yellow threads pinned to my wall,
i keep our past with me,
and our future on my wrist.

i love my new bracelet,
blue like the water,
yellow like the stars high above,
pink like the fish far below.

it's september now.
i cut off a bracelet today.
it was navy and red,
the colours reminded me too much of school,
i don't like it there.
everyone is so mean to me,
making my eyes drip sapphire.
i loathe school.
though, my pink, blue and yellow makes it better.

by the time i'm 16
most of my bracelets are gone.
i've heard they're nerdy
i've heard they're stupid.
i don't care, i swear.
nothing can keep me from hiding my
pink, blue and yellow.

until the strings snap again
on a bitter january day.
i sigh and pin it beside the last.

pink like your breath,
yellow like your heart of gold,
blue like your eyes,
and now
like the blood i bleed.
with the strings braided and tied,
my new bracelet is complete.

17 years, 92 days old
the only bracelet left
is the
your sunshine is still bright,
your lips are still sweet to kiss,
your eyes are still waves of oceanic views.
my blood still runs red.

it's my 20th 19th of july
when my bracelet breaks again.
my first thought is to make a new one,
perhaps i could use purple or orange or white.
you tell me not to make another.

before i have time to weep,
you explain to me on one knee
how rings are more permanent.
how vows don't hold on by threads.

your deep blue eyes are joyous and beautiful,
your sunshine unmasked,
and your lips locked with mine.
i think i might like rings better now, too.

when the doves sing,
and the bells ding,
our hands are joined with brand new silver rings.
your eyes speak with each blink,
the blue bouncing with glee.
your sunshine gleams through your smile,
escaping more and more with each laugh.
your admirable pink lips are what keep me grounded
my arms no longer glisten red.

it is today,
on our wedding day,
that i notice your bracelet.
it's green,
like the emeralds i see, blink and cry through everyday.
it's simple but means so much to me.

who knew thin strings could hold so much love?

a/n i hope you like this one </3

again -- get ready for the long chapter ;)
this is kinda just a filler.

642 words

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