gay is not okay??

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a/n can we have a funeral for mortimer 🤧

dedicated to sammystylinson_28  so she doesn't die in hetero city <3

summary: cake picture 😭

louis' pov

"AAAH!" i scream as somebody hits me in the face with a cake. i smile as they snap a quick photo, and smile wider when i hear harry laughing.

"hey hazza want a kiss?" i smirk, my entire body covered in cake. he seems undecided, but squeaks and runs away when i chase him.

i use my speed to catch my boyfriend, he laughs loudly and i kiss his open mouth, but i'm more focused on getting batter in his silky curls.

"louuuu, there's cake in my hair," he pouts playfully.

"sorry, baby," i sigh and hug him, he embraces me back and we stand there for a few minutes. i smile and think back to his beautiful laugh, i would and will do anything to keep him laughing.

"hey, lover boys, we're going on stage in a few minutes," niall informs us.

"love you sunshine," harry kisses my nose and gets ready to go on stage.

"love you more than anything, darling," i say under my breath as i watch him laugh at something zayn said. he's in a giggly mood today, which i love.


"that was so fun," niall munches on some cake. i nod tiredly and lean against my love. he wraps his arms around me and kisses my shoulder.

"who's phone is this? it's ringing," liam questions. i don't bother looking up, but harry does.

"oh, that's lou's phone," harry steps away from the embrace to grab it.

"hazzaaaaa," i whine. he just smiles and hands me my phone.

incoming call from simon cowell

accept | decline

i visually tense up and shakily answer the call.

"WHAT THE FUCK, LOUIS?" he screams into the receiver as soon as it connects.




"you know what you did," he sneers. i gulp nervously. "you're coming to la, you will be on the plane in 3 hours. alone."

i hang up the phone and shakily go find my boyfriend. he doesn't see me, but he's laughing again. the sound calms me slightly. i don't want to worry him so i turn on my heels and walk away.

"paul, PAUL!" i call. he turns around and looks at me.

"louis, what can i do for you?" paul starts walking towards me.

"i need you to take me to the airport."


incoming call from hazza

accept | decline

i sigh and press accept.

"LOUIS WHERE ARE YOU?" he yells into the phone. he doesn't sound angry, but worried.

"i'm sorry, angel," i look out the window beside me, clouds surrounding the plane. i let out and involuntary sob.

"louis? where are you?"

"hazza, simon called me down to headquarters in la. i'm sorry i didn't say goodbye, i'll be back tomorrow," i whisper brokenly.

"why?" he speaks in the smallest, most fragile, vulnerable voice.

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