make you mine

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a/n thats my pig i drew they're named liz after my friend liz. say hi.

song: make you mine by PUBLIC

this one was requested by Foxiyy and i hope it fits the request well enough :)

summary: xfactor fluff yippee
(i know fuck all about the xfactor and im way too drained for research)

harry's pov

it keeps happening, i can't stop it. i don't even want it to stop.

i thought being sent away from my family to bootcamp would be terrifying, and it was, at first. however after being put in my band i looked around and realized i have another family now, and i don't feel so scared or alone.

i thought that i would be mortified, having a crush on a boy. especially one of my new bandmates. what if i ruin everything? but oh, i don't even care. i look at him and he looks back and he smiles so, so softly, just for me, all for me, and it's like heaven on earth.

i don't even care that he's a boy, because louis is louis and i'm so overwhelmingly mesmerized. he's too loud but so gentle, charismatic but shy and sweet. and it does keep happening, where i find myself staring, or catch him gazing at me. and i don't want it to stop.

i don't ever want it to stop.

"when we're all big and famous, d'you reckon my mum will still cook pot roast for me?" niall asks. the five of us are taking over a living room in the villa. the blond is draped over the sofa, his feet in liam's lap, who in turn is laying over zayn like a human blanket. louis lays upside down in the armchair across from mine and keeps making funny faces at me.

"she'll make you cook your own pot roast," zayn quips.

niall seems spooked by the thought.

"we won't be famous if we don't win, so we have to keep working hard," liam says in that anxiously determined tone he's been sporting since our last performance.

"oh come off it," louis says, whipping a pillow at liam, but missing and smacking zayn instead. i laugh and louis looks at me, sticking his tongue out at me. i smile privately and allow my ears to rouge.

"i'm being serious!" liam defends himself.

"well, stop," louis replies. his tone is jokey but i can tell he's annoyed. louis and liam have been at each other's throats for a while. it's like they're fighting for dominance. liam thinks he should be the 'leader' because he has the most experience and he deems himself as the most mature, while louis counters his arguments by stating that one direction does not have leaders, that since we are all members we all have equal power. (but if anybody were to be the leader, it'd be him, because he's the oldest.)

liam huffs, zayn frowns, niall still seems to be thinking about pot roast and i stick my tongue out at louis. his face is red from being upside down for so long, but i wonder if i could redden his skin from just a touch or a sentence. if i affect him the same way he does me.


the night is quiet, other than all the noise.

the bedroom i share with the boys is almost never quiet, even at night. during the day, there's singing and laughing and fighting and music and just so much ruckus, it's difficult to concentrate on one coherent thought at a time. but it's good. i like listening to niall's guitar riffs, and zayn's comment and questions, and liam's orders and i love every sound louis makes.

the crescent moon hangs in the sky, hidden half behind a cloud and i flip onto my side to look at it out the window. i spend nights like this a lot. thinking, my thoughts loud now they have space to breathe.

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