string lights (right now)

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a/n that photo was airdropped to me by someone with the name deez nuts.

got my spotify wrapped this year and ive spent 123, 203 minutes listening this year and i listen to more music than 99% of other canadians and i feel accomplished

i'm starting this on december 1st hoping i'll have this out for christmas (i hope you all are enjoying your holidays and hopefully you get a nice break from school xx)

anywho enough of my useless rambling

summary: pure. holiday. fluff.
-> this one's not an au ! (christmas time 2013)
-> i'm a shit fan so idrk when their tour dates were in 2013 or where they were or whatever so just ignore everything that isnt accurate and enjoy the fucking story <3

louis' pov

touring is probably the best and worst parts of being in a boyband. of course i love seeing all our fans (i still can't believe they're all here for us), i love singing and i love being on stage. it's just so strenuous and tiring that makes it so difficult for me to function all of the time.

we had our final show for two weeks today, only two days before christmas and a day before my birthday. we can't get flights back home until boxing day.

i lay on the bed and close my eyes for a moment. adrenaline still fuels my veins and i open my eyes again. i look to the side and see the outside through a glass sliding door.

i shove my shoes on and step outside onto the small balcony. the wind is at a minimum so the cold only sinks through my (harry's) pullover slowly. i enjoy the brisk feeling and rest my arms on the railing.

the ground is very far away from where i'm standing and i hold off from looking straight down. the city is so festive right now, with red, green, blue, orange, yellow, white lights strung around houses, shops and even lampposts and bare trees.

the lights always remind me of home. they remind me of the first day of december, when mum would put up the lights. of picking out a tree at the farm then setting it up in our living room, being able to place the star on the very top.

the glass door slides open then closed, and a warm figure wraps their arms around my waist. harry rests his chin on my shoulder and i lean into his touch.

"you're gonna get cold," he says.

"i'm warm now," i say, squeezing his arms around my middle. our breaths mingle in small puffs of air, momentarily clouding the view.

"penny for your thoughts?"

"just thinking," i whisper.


"the lights," i admit. harry sighs and holds me tighter.

"i'm sorry you can't be home for your birthday, or christmas," he says.

"home is wherever you are, lover." i turn my nose to his face and leave a kiss on his cheek.

"wait here." harry lets go abruptly and goes back inside, leaving the door open in his wake. before i have time to shut it, harry is already trotting back with a shit-eating grin, holding hats, scarves, jackets and mittens.

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