i dont know if i forgot or never knew

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a/n peter parker 😍

i'm reading i was born for this by the AMAZING alice oseman and i kind of got this idea from that 😙
update i finished that book and it was really good 👍🏻 this shot kind of gives solitaire vibes. lovely.

i'm currently writing a long shot but i'm stuck rn at like 20k words 💀💀💀 i'll get there ...

summary: harry doesn't know who he is
- NOT AN AU (for once in my life)
- somewhere between 2013/14

harry's pov

"lets get to know the real one direction," the interviewer says.

now, i'm usually pretty good at not-answering-but-kind-of-answering interview questions. i'm great at promo and amazing at deflecting. but this—this—is what stumps me.

"i'm irish," niall immediately says. i grin anxiously. it's a radio interview, so i kind of look crap today. i've been  kind of wary about this all day.

the interviewer laughs. "c'mon! dig deeper!" he has an annoying voice. like an over enthusiastic head teacher at an assembly.

"i'm naturally a brunet," niall says. he swooshes his fingers through his hair in a way that would've made a photographer proud. i think he looks like a twat, so i laugh.

"really?!" the interviewer gets all excited, as if he's just found out some amazing new piece of information. most people are aware that niall's hair is bleached.

"what about you, harry?" as if sensing my perturbance, the interviewer looks at me. i think his name is dave.

"uhm," i say. classy. i turn to look at louis; he always calms me down when i'm anxious. he's already looking at me. he's very pretty. "i, ehm. i like the colour blue."

"my favourite animal sound is 'moo'," zayn adds. liam purses his lips, as if to hold in a laugh. zayn moos into the microphone.

"last night i accidentally ate my cereal with orange juice," liam says. louis snickers, as if to say idiot.

"i'm cooler than liam," louis teases. liam gasps, affronted. he knows louis' just playing.

"i sort my sock drawer," niall informs.

"sometimes i wear my pants backwards on purpose," i lie. i don't do that.

"niall slept with carly rae jepson," louis lies. niall hasn't done that. it's a joke between them.

"yeah, i remember that," liam plays along. i chuckle under my breath. since when did this become a thing? it just has, like most inside jokes. is it an inside joke? i don't know.

"i can do a handstand for three and a half minutes," zayn says. i'm not sure if this is true. but he looks genuinely proud, so i assume he actually can.

"oh, please," louis scoffs. he's grinning.

niall opens his mouth to say something presumably ridiculous. radio host (maybe dave) cuts him off. "this is all cool and everything, boys. but who are you? who are you really?"

liam, prepared as ever starts talking. his playful tone from before has somewhat dissipated, and morphed into his normal interview tone. which is kind of funny, because his normal interview tone does not sound like his normal tone. but they're both normal. because interviews are normal now.

i don't say anything for the rest of the interview. i'm kind of tired, even though i got six hours of sleep last night. i realize that's not much. but it's more than some other nights. and i have a good life, so i cannot complain about something with such meagre importance as sleep.

larry stylinson one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now