valenfuckingtines day

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a/n lol happy v day. hopefully you have someone special to spend it with, or if youre like me i hope that you're not too lonely :,)

*i don't know if they were in a hotel at this time, or where the were at this time, but let me live.

** i also understand that this is way after valentines day, but yer girl needed a break.

summary: valentines day with the stylinsons - 2013 edition

louis' pov

i wake up with a mess of curly hair in my face and i immediately nuzzle into it. i breathe in the scent of my boyfriend and hold him tighter, today is valentines day and i have a surprise for him.

"good morning, lou love," harry turns around in my grasp, so we're facing each other. i get lost in his stunning emerald eyes.

"morning," i whisper in a raspy voice. harry pulls me closer for a sweet kiss, we stay close together with our foreheads pressed against one another. we don't get very many moments where we can just bask in our love, but today is valentines day, so we have all the time in the world.

until, "LOUIS! HARRY! GET OUT OF BED! ITS VALENTINES DAY! WAKE UP!" niall runs into our hotel room, screaming. i whine and hide my face in harry's chest. hazza protects me with his strong arms.

"fuck off nigel," he groans as niall whips open the curtains, continuing by jumping on our bed. i curl my knees up to my chest and chuckle when he falls off.

"hey, hazza?" i smile at him, ignoring niall.

"yes, lovely?"

"happy valentines day," i leave a deep kiss on his lips, him giggling into it.

"HAPPY VALENTINES DAY LARRY!" niall shouts from the floor. harry throws a pillow at him.

"niall, we get it," i sigh, sitting up and stretching. "c'mon hazza," i pat his leg and he gets out of bed, pulling on joggers and one of my sweaters. i keep on the pyjama pants and hoodie that i wore to bed.

"neil," harry kicks the irish lump, making him sit up and open the door for us. i shake my head playfully and entwine my hand with harry's.

"c'mon guys!!! we're going to liam's room. he has so much room service i think he ordered the entire hotel!!" niall must be on some sort of drug, he doesn't stop talking, skipping or laughing the entire way to liam's room. i tiredly rest my head on harry's shoulder as we walk, just wanting to eat so we can start what i had planned for today.

"his room is right here," harry reminds as niall twirls past it.

"hey, look who finally decided to join us," zayn smiles.

"holy shit, liam i thought niall was exaggerating when he said you bought the entire hotel's food supply," i look around at all the trays and platters of food. most of them are breakfast dishes, but a seafood tower and a box of donuts can also be seen.

"niall was hungry," liam grumbles.

"it's valentines day, my one true love is food and you expect me to not be hungry?" niall scoffs, shoving a chocolate donut in his mouth. i chuckle a bit, guiding harry through the buffet of food by putting my hand on the small of his back.

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