break the distance

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a/n i started this one shot literally 2 years ago 🥲 and i never finished it because i didnt feel like it x

the title is a song by ashton edminster !

i actually dont know how british schooling works and i dont really care to figure it out so i'm gonna write the schooling like how it is in canada and you guys are gonna deal with it and enjoy the story 🥰 i've also completely blanked on when you're meant to submit uni apps. again, ignore the inaccuracies, because i am ❤️

also a heads up while i was writing this club penguin was back for a hot minute but since then it's been taken down again because disney is mean. rip club penguin. rip. you would have loved this one shot. rip.

⚠️idk if i need to add a warning for this but there's mentions of a past death and grief in this. right idk.

also there's a lot of taylor swift in this (and nick grimshaw??). when i started writing this 2 years ago idk why i did that, but it happened, and taylor is the queen sooo. LOL ANYWAYS THIS HAS BEEN A LONG ASS AUTHORS NOTE. LOVE YOU ALL.

ITS HAPPY ThOUGH DW (its my longest one yet ;))

summary: where harry and louis meet online and fall in luuurrrve
(an au) (it's kind of a slow burn) (not really)

btw there's a lot of texting in this one but it's not strictly a texting fic :;)

harry's pov

"nick, truth or dare," terrance asks. i sigh, nobody ever chooses me for this game because they think i'm a wuss. nick has been chosen four times now and i haven't gotten picked once.


"i dare you to...." terrance pauses to think of a dare. "i dare you to eat five spoonfuls of plain ketchup."

"easy." nick sneers before standing up, the rest of us following.

there's about 20 of us crammed in the kitchen, crowded around nick, who is currently squirting a generous amount of ketchup onto a tablespoon.

"alright, number one, baby!" nick downs the first spoonful and grimaces.

"four more, grimmy." jax pats nick on the back.

"yep, i got this." nick cracks his knuckles and squeezes more ketchup on the spoon. he swallows bravely. this happens twice more and now he only has one spoonful left.

"one more." he burps sickly, and shoves the last bit of ketchup in his mouth. i can see him regurgitate and i scrunch my nose.

"woohoo! i can't believe you did that," taylor congratulates in disbelief. nick smiles at her.

the night continues on, nick getting stupid dares that he never fails to complete, and i getting skipped. until;

"harry, truth or dare, buddy?"

caught of guard, i quickly say dare.

"i dare you to prank call a random number." nick says.

i shrug. "all right." i pull my phone out and dial a number, pressing the phone to my ear.

after a minute of waiting for someone to pick up, i give up.

"sorry, lads, nobody answered." i frown.

"that's alright," terrance says carelessly.

we continue playing all night. i decide to head home around 11. i'm quite the buzzkill. not that anyone would care if i left, so it doesn't matter to me.

larry stylinson one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now