because i love him

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a/n gerbils

i'm proud of all of you, you're doing great <3


summary: part 2 to "if you love him" :)

harry's pov

"oh, i guess i just never thought about him," a lie i speak without much time to dwell on, before niall is pushing me to a chocolate fountain.

i did notice louis' distraught face when i said it, but he's not the one i married. eric seemed pleased with my lie, though he figured it was just the truth. i wonder if louis could see through my false words.

"hello sir!" a young girl tugs on my pant leg. i reckon she's someone from eric's side of the family. she's quaint, with shy, hazel eyes and light brown hair tied with a blue bow. she's adorable.

"'ello there, what's your name?" i crouch down so we're both closer to eye level. she giggles and covers her gapped smile with a tiny hand.

"maria," she finally tells me.

"well, young maria, fancy a dance?" i offer her my hand, which is definitely larger than her skull, but she doesn't seem nervous about that; she takes it in hers and lets me lift her to the air.

"wow! i'm so tall! i'm as tall as you!" she squeals and hugs my neck. i sigh contently and sashay around the dance floor while eric's favourite arctic monkey's song fills the hall.

i feel eyes burning a hole in my back, but i don't look. i like the feeling of a singed suit anyhow. i wait until the burn cools to finally sneak a look. a victorian chandelier illuminates eric, now standing alone. i feel guilty for wanting to see blue instead of brown in his eyes. i feel guilty for wishing the curvier man still stood beside my husband.

"what's wrong?" little maria plays with my hair, her words aired with innocence only adolescence can bring.

"confusing adult stuff, little one," i sigh, still dancing.

"tell me, i'm an adult enough," she giggles and leans her cheek to mine in a childish way.

i ponder her request. "do you ever... have something that's really, really good, but you want something... better... because you just like it so much more?" i feel stupid for confessing my issue to a girl who mustn't be older than six.

"yep. i have this toy boat at home, and i really like it, but there's a new boat that i want sooo bad. muma tells me not to be greedy, but i can't help and want the newer boat," she explains. i have an incredibly short-lived desire to buy maria the boat she wants.

"do you think she would ever get you the new boat?"

"no," she confesses, my chest deflates as if her words decide my future. however the lacy-dressed girl isn't finished. "but if i want the boat, i'll get it. i want what i want and i can't let her decide stuff for me. i'm five, i'm old enough to do what i want for me," maria rests her head on my shoulder as my dancing slows to a slow sway.

i chuckle, when i was five i think i told my mom i was gonna marry my cat. maria's well on her way to world domination by the sounds of it.

"maria!" a middle-aged woman calls for the child in my arms.

"that's my my muma. get yourself a new boat!" she shrieks in a giggle when i set her glossed shoes back on the wooded floor. i watch until her baby blue dress falls out of view before brushing myself off and getting a drink.

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