love you hello

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a/n i'm not even fucking kidding i have 10 different one shots on the go, but i dont have any inspiration for anything. my life is just me binging dance moms at this point. 🐓

summary: part 2 to love you goodbye, where green meets blue after years apart from each other.

*warning this chapter includes a small portion of rape⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

louis' pov

drink, after drink, after drink. i down everything the bartender gives me. is it tequila? i don't know. vodka? maybe. who knows what it is, but it's getting me drunk so i'm okay with it.

harry's album came out today. i'm so unbelievably proud of him, i just wish i could tell him that. i wish i could undo what i've done. though, if i didn't, this beautiful album may not have even been in studio. that's depressing. life's depressing. did life give me love just to rip it away from me? am i meant to find him again? i hope so, but right now i can't focus on anything more than the glass in my hand and the alcohol burning down my throat.

"hey pretty boy," a male voice purrs in my ear. i freeze, almost scared. but they can't see that side of me, nobody's allowed. i am louis tomlinson, the fearless 5'9 man simon has painted me as.

"hullo," i respond, not daring to look at the stranger but continuing to sip my drink instead.

"look at me when i speak to you," he growls, sending shivers down my spine.

"i don't want to," i defy nervously. i see the lines on the walls starting to squiggle around like they're dancing the conga. i fall into a trance and decide that maybe this guy just wants to have some fun.

"you want to be difficult then?" he yanks on my hair, making me half moan, half whimper. his sudden action causes the revolving barstool to spin around, so i'm facing him now. i can't make out his face, but i can tell he has a strange glint in his brown eyes. i was kind of hoping they would be green.

he sees my fear and smirks. i curse myself for not being good enough at faking bravery. i can't do anything right. he grabs my arm and harshly drags me through the bar, untill we reach a backdoor and he throws me against the cement. i cower away on my hands and feet, completely dropping the façade. everything is still swimming in my vision and i just want to be with my home again.

i can't tell if there's more than one person, or if i'm seeing double - or triple. his voice is echoing in my head, i can't tell what he's saying. maybe i should just give up, that sounds easy. whatever he's about to do to me will never amount to the pain i felt that day long ago.

i can't be broken any more than i am now.

harry's pov

i remember watching him go into the bar. i was curious. i can see why following your ex may be considered stalking, but i really just want to see him. i dropped my album earlier today - and don't get me wrong, i'm ecstatic - but i just wish i could celebrate it with the person it was dedicated to. i would say he broke my heart, cos he did, but he took it with him, wherever he went. he broke it and stole it.

i find myself a seat at the bar, i have a clear view of louis but i don't think he can see me. he looks rough, i see him downing drink after drink and i cringe.

"what can i get you?" the bartender asks, shoving her tits in my face. i scrunch my nose disgusted.

"no thank you."

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