you're so gorgeous

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a/n is this me starting another one shot even though i have 65 drafts?! yes. yes it is.

enjoy the picture of the jellyfish i saw at the aquarium. i got a stuffed jellyfish from the gift shop and named her angela

this one! this one is based of gorgeous by taylor swift with a lovely hint of begin again also by taylor.

i'm sorry i haven't been updating as much, still love you all loads.

alternate titles for this:
— louis tomlinson simps over taylor lautner
— harry styles projects onto pam beesly

summary: harry has a boyfriend already, but when he meets louis he learns love in a new way
> AU. think prince hair era 🙇🏼‍♀️🙇🏼‍♀️

HARRY's pov 🫵

i've been in relationships before noah; there was elizabeth who went by beth before him, and ralph before her. i had girlfriends in grade school who would hold my hand and skip with me and pick flowers with me. i had a boyfriend when i was 16 who only lasted two weeks before breaking up with me for his ex.

but none of my past relationships have been like noah. while he has his faults, so does every other person on this planet. i've never felt so in love.

noah works in financing. he works in an office on a really high floor with lots of people in suits who have names like nancy or robert. i'm not actually 100% sure what he does.

i'm sitting on the sofa in my flat with my cats, tiana and aurora when the lock twists and my boyfriend walks in. i look up to his welcome tall frame and dark features. i smile at him, he frowns at me.

"hey," i say, hoping he'll smile like how he did before he saw me.

"why aren't you dressed? didn't you read my texts?" he looks disappointed. shit.

my phone is sitting on the coffee table, and i already know it's on do not disturb. my phone is always on do not disturb, i'm constantly in trouble for not reading texts or answering calls, from everyone.

"i'm sorry i was just watching..." my voice trails off as i can see he doesn't care for my excuse. i clear my throat and pick up my phone. his texts are on my lock screen.

noah: guess who got a promotion!!!! I DID!!
noah: we're going out with some work friends when i get home. be ready.
noah: x

"good job on the promotion!" i say happily, though i'm kind of overwhelmed about having to leave my comfortable state with no warning. my fault for not reading my texts.

noah nods. "it's fine. just get ready please, i don't want to be late." he sighs and checks his watch.

aurora curls further in on herself, her white and tawny fur looks bright against her sister's dark tortoiseshell markings. i pat both of them on the head before sliding out of my warm spot and walk to my bedroom. i struggle with what to wear, but manage a nice outfit with brushed hair in 20 minutes. i feel bad making my boyfriend wait but he doesn't seem to mind that much.

"ready?" noah asks when i appear i nod and tuck my phone into my trouser pocket.

i feel underdressed next to noah, considering he's still in his work clothes, a suit and a tie and slicked back hair. all i've got is a billowy top and skinny jeans. but when we pull up at the bar i realize he's just overdressed.

it's already starting to get dark, the air is cold and i see a group of businessmen inside. i long for my cats, my spot on the sofa and a sitcom on the telly. when i reach for noah's hand he squeezes it tight and then lets go.

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