it's all wrong

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a/n heyyyy ok so this was suggested a bit back by MaraLinart31 hope this is good ; )
also i think i'm gonna add a poem i wrote for school at the end of this cos VasHappenin-gOiOooi wanted more poems 😜

summary: 2015 harry gets stressed because he's not the womanizer the media shows him as

harry's pov

"harry styles of one direction broke up a marriage?"

"harry styles - the womanizer of pop culture"

"he ruined everything! someone comments on harry styles' womanizer behaviour"

"harry styles, 3 woman in a week!"

"harry styles sleeping with directioner moms?"

all the articles run through my brain, one after another all smacking me in the face with fake accusations.

i'm constantly stressed, i hate people thinking i would do that, women aren't toys. they are intelligent humans with opinions, personalities and feelings - just like everyone else. besides, i have my louis, he is the only person in the world i have eyes for.

i wipe a tear from my eye when i hear lou padding up the stairs to our bedroom, where i'm trying to watch friends.

"hey, love," he smiles when he sees me curled up in a blanket cocoon. he hops in the bed beside me and i lift the comforter so he can fit in next to me. i wait for him to get comfy before cuddling into him, using his chest as a pillow and tangling our legs.

"what are we watching?" he asks softly. his hands brushing through my hair and scratching my scalp lightly.

"friends," i answer, my voice slightly muffled.

"mmm," louis hums. we're at the part where phoebe is explaining that ross and rachel are each others lobsters. "hey hazza?" i look up. "you're my lobster," he smiles.

i lift my head to leave a lasting kiss on his lips. "and you're mine."


"hey boys," niall cheers when he gets in the car. usually we all drive separately to the studio, but liam thought bonding would be a good thing. i don't know why, i feel like we bond all the time considering we're never not together.

"harry styles seen recently getting down with a woman double his age! does this boy know when to stop?" the radio station reads out the scripted lies. it seems nobody else heard what the announcer said, i sink back in my seat and look out the window.

"haz, you okay?" louis wonders worriedly.

"hmm? oh, i'm just... tired," i lie, not bothering to look at him. i don't feel like it - i'm just a person living in the shadows of a lie.

"do you want to sleep? we still have 20 minutes till we get to the studio?" he rubs his hand up and down my thigh comfortingly.

"it's fine."


we make it to the studio and sit down on some couches, louis being called into the recording room right away.

i'm not in the mood for talking with the other boys, so i sit by myself on a grey love seat far from them. i'm still in the same room, just on the other side of it. niall finds a football and starts kicking it around, of course getting scolded by liam, but not listening. we never listen to liam.

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