i missed you

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love you guys <3

- me mid writing

summary: louis is a poet without inspiration, but when his love finally comes home from war, he finds he has words to write.

*au, not famous*

louis' pov

two years.

two fucking years i haven't seen him.

tomorrow, my everything comes back home and i'm having difficulty sleeping. what if he doesn't love me anymore? 730 days is a lot of time without being able to see your husband.

i decide to get out of the cold bed and write, it usually calms my anxiety. i sit at the desk with pen to paper, my writer's block returning, as per normal. i haven't been able to write anything since harry left, nothing good at least.

i slump my head onto the white sheet and groan. i can feel tears leaking through my closed eyelids, and soon enough i'm bawling into my arms.

"papa?" a small voice speaks from behind me. i lift my head and wipe my eyes, turning to see my 14 year old daughter, lilly.

"what're you doing up?" i ask in a croaky voice and rub my eyes. looking at the digital clock next to the dampened paper, i can see it's 2:19 in the morning.

"couldn't sleep," she replies simply. i nod my head, trying my hardest to stay composed, but that proves impossible when i push my head into my hands and continue sobbing.

"papa, it's alright. dad's coming home," lilly soothes and rubs her hand up and down my back comfortingly.

"i know," i whisper, my voice cracking. lilly hugs me, her long, dark, brown hair falling into my face as i tuck my nose into her shoulder. my breath shudders and she squeezes me before letting go completely. i look down at my hands awkwardly, lilly just hops on the bed.

"let's have a cuddle," she gets herself comfy at the head of the bed and pats the comforter beside her. i sniffle and gladly get in the bed beside her.

i don't have enough strength to speak, but lilly does. "why were you crying?" she rests her head on my shoulder and curls her knees into her chest.

"i don't know, i guess i'm just anxious," i fiddle with my fingers.

"why?" she lifts her head to look me square on, her hazel eyes calming me.

"what if he doesn't love me anymore?" i whisper vulnerability.

"papa, you dork, of course he loves you."

i laugh shakily and look her in the eyes for a precious moment. "we should go to sleep, gotta be at the airport for noon," i sigh.

lilly hugs me tightly before standing up off the bed. "goodnight, love you," she smiles.

"love you," i repeat and watch her shut the door fully. i close my eyes and think about how tomorrow at this time, i will be in the arms of my lover.


"PAPA! PAPA!" i wake up to little feet jumping on my body. i open my eyes and pull the seven year old into my chest. abby giggles and smiles brightly, her blue eyes shining bright. "PAPA! DADDY'S COMING HOME!" she squeals.

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